Fraternity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fraternity
As noun : अमरीकी कलेज पुरुष संघ Ex:  the medical fraternity
जातपाँत Ex:  The international fraternity for boys 10–18 has over 5,000 circles. बंधुत्व Ex:  A fraternity is one of them". उ:   इसमें स्वतंत्रता, समानता तथा बंधुत्व की विप्लवात्मक पुकार है। बन्धु भाव Ex:  The fraternity has never condoned hazing बन्धुता Ex:  He pledged the Phi Delta Theta fraternity after his return बन्धुत्व या भाईचारा Ex:  The one who had deposited for a time, stick to a fraternity and had the right to wear it to processions बिरादरी उ:   विवाहसंबंध अपनी बिरादरी में ही हो सकता था। भाई चारा भ्रातभाव भ्रातृत्व भ्रातृसंघ संसर्ग
Other : बंधु Ex:  Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity brothers Charles Johnson उ:   बंधु न होइ मोर यह काला। बंधुता Ex:  The New Negro Alliance was founded in 1933 by fraternity brother Belford Lawson भाईचारा भ्रातृ भ्रात्र मिल्लत
Fraternity ki paribhasha : vaata, pittaadi men se do ka ek saath prakop param mitr ya bndhu hone ka bhaav
Fraternity synonyms
sorority camaraderie guild fellowship club house society affiliation sisterhood order kinship frat
Fraternity antonyms
sisterhood sorority
Usage of Fraternity in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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