Fraught meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fraught
As noun : अकुलाता Ex:  Shopping any where in the world seems to become more fraught every year.
अखलि Ex:  The spy's trip to Russia was fraught with danger . आविग्न Ex:  The history of Paraguay is fraught with disputes among historians उत्पिंजर Ex:  The film project was fraught with difficulties and setbacks परिमूढ़ Ex:  It is, by extension, speaking of writing whose style is fraught with too many expressions of bright पर्युत्सुक Ex:  This case is full, is fraught with difficulties बिहबल बेताब बेहाल विमर्षित विमूढ़संज्ञ विलक्खा विलक्षित विललंती विसूत्र विहस्तित व्याकर्ण व्याकुल उ:   उनकी लीलाओं का स्मरण करके मैं व्याकुल हो जाता हूँ। व्याक्षिप्त सम्मूढ़ ससंभ्रम हतचेता हलबला
As adjective : अनभंग Ex:  Teresa wrote in her diary that her first year was fraught with difficulties. परिपूरण Ex:  Mickey Mantle's career was fraught with injury. परिपूर्ण Ex:  A science, a case fraught with difficulties उ:   वह अपने में ही परिपूर्ण है। भरा उ:   मंदिर परिसर श्रद्धालुओं से भरा रहता है। सरशार
Fraught ki paribhasha : jisamen koi kami na ho vah jo bhay ya duःkh ke kaaran itana ghabara gaya ho ki kuchh samajh na sake
Fraught synonyms
filled replete charged abounding heavy laden stuffed attended bristling
Fraught antonyms
Usage of Fraught in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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