Fray meaning in hindi
As noun : उधड़ना Ex: Our tempers began to fray in the heat.
चनचनाना Ex: As I saw that the argument grew heated, I extricated myself from the fray चिढ़ना Ex: fray silk, satin झगड कर तय करना Ex: He courageously rushed to the thick of the fray झगड़ कर तय करना Ex: He did not dare enter the fray in a debate of such importance प्रतिस्पर्धा Ex: Throw yourself headlong into the fray उ: इस प्रतिस्पर्धा से शीत युद्ध का माहौल विकसित हुआ। रीगना Ex: Throw yourself into the fray रेज Ex: To rush in the thick of the fray लागडाँट
As verb : थकना Ex: Perish the fray थक्कना Ex: The King, General marched, marched in person to the thick of the fray
Other : झगड़ा. Ex: He lost his hat into the fray झगड़ा Ex: If fraying means If fray by the effect of a tear or wear लडाई उ: मुर्गों की लडाई आज कल प्रचलित नहीं है।
Fray ki paribhasha : parishram karate karate aur pirashram ke yogy na rahana
ExamplesFray synonyms
melee fracas disturbance riot combat clash rumble brawl engagement ruckus scuffle affray contest rumpus broil quarrel brouhaha conflict row battle royal donnybrook set-to unravel erode frazzle chafe rub rip tear wear fret wear away tatter become ragged become threadbare wear thin Fray antonyms
calm quiet tranquility accord surrender truce peace agreement harmony sew please Usage of Fray in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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