Freeway meaning in hindi
As noun : अपवाड़ Ex: The only major freeway within city limits is Highway 1
एवेन्यू Ex: Calgary maintains a major streets network and a freeway system. चलणा Ex: Many of the highways are built to freeway standard चहीला Ex: Adelaide has one freeway झीर Ex: Timed freeway entrances तरीक Ex: Frontage roads provide access to the freeway from businesses alongside द्रुतमार्ग Ex: Interstate 5 is a major 8-10 lane freeway from San Ysidro to downtown San Diego द्रोणगंधिका Ex: Paris has become the centre of a motorway and freeway system धूर्तमानुषा Ex: The 1940s saw the construction of the world's first urban depressed freeway पंथड़ा Ex: A Fourth Ring freeway has been designed and is being built around Moscow. पथत् Ex: The San Jose area has a freeway system पादपद्धति पेंड प्रदिपद् मोट्र का चौड़ा रस्ता रास्ता उ: यह रास्ता पांच किलोमीटर लम्बा है। रोड उ: यह रोड माल रोड जितनी व्यस्त नहीं रहती। वट्ट वट्टा वर्तनि वर्तम सरणि, सरणी सिरात सृंका
ExamplesFreeway synonyms
thoroughfare highway superhighway artery road thruway interstate parkway beltway Usage of Freeway in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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