Freeze meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Freeze
As noun : अंकुरना Ex:  I would freeze to death in this office if the air condition is turned on for 24
अंगुसाना Ex:  This weather is going to freeze us all to death . अठवना० Ex:  We didn't want to freeze you out . इस्तेमाल बंद करना Ex:  Max put the freeze on Lefty . जमना Ex:  While winter wheat lies dormant during a winter freeze ठंढा करके सुरक्षित रखना Ex:  , If freezing, freeze again, this cement has resumed, the river resumed ठंढा लगना Ex:  Action freezing or freeze सख्त हो जा होना Ex:  When the temperature is cold enough to freeze the moisture is in the air सन्निवेश उ:   विशिष्ट स्वर विशेष प्रकार के सन्निवेश में "जाति" कहलाते थे। स्थिर रखना
As verb : कीलन वीलित करना Ex:  "instant teas" are becoming popular, similar to freeze dried instant coffee. जडी़करण करना Ex:  The remainder of the Baltic itself does not freeze during a normal winter जम जाना Ex:  The Gulf of Finland and the Gulf of Riga freeze typically in late January. जमा देना Ex:  Applejack is traditionally made by freeze distillation ठिठुर जाना Ex:  The fountains of living water will never freeze ठिठुरा देना Ex:  The vine is very susceptible to freeze बर्फ बनना Ex:  The words freeze on his lips
Other : ठण्डा हो जाना Ex:  Submit to cold artificial freeze by natural or dietary substances chemical processes liquids, creams, meat to retain the सख्त हो जाना Ex:  You have cold hands if you freeze me
Freeze ki paribhasha : vah ghaas jo pahali varsha ke uparaant kheton men ugati hai
Freeze synonyms
refrigerate chill stiffen pierce benumb bite frost harden congeal solidify nip glaciate chill to the bone ice over ice up hold up fix suspend depress inhibit dishearten dampen discourage peg
Freeze antonyms
heat warm liquefy melt boil continue go uplift hearten encourage inspirit
Usage of Freeze in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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