Freshness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Freshness
As noun : अक्षीणता Ex:  The freshness of air in the morning keeps us fit.
ताज़ापन Ex:  A rested complexion, rested mine, a rested face, a complexion, a mine, a face regained its freshness मिठास Ex:  freshness उ:   मिठास के भाव दर्शाने के लिये मधुमय शब्द का प्रयोग किया जाता है। शीतलता Ex:  It also means Altering a plant in his freshness and color in उ:   अपना अधिकांश भाग जल की शीतलता से भरे रहती है। शीतीभाव Ex:  It comes a little freshness सितलता Ex:  It has restored to table its first luster, its first freshness by cleaning सितलाई Ex:  Making fresh, give freshness सितलाय Ex:  Taste the freshness of the morning सिराँह Ex:  The brightness, freshness of youth स्कंदोल Ex:  The facial freshness
Other : कोरापन Ex:  Retaining its freshness is important to keep it appetizing. तरी Ex:  Green tea loses its freshness more quickly, usually in less than a year. उ:   तरी सिद्धान्तमति सारखी। ताज़गी Ex:  Cooling is the primary technology used to maintain freshness नवीनता Ex:  Allow the wine to age, Keeping to that with time it loses its freshness and acquire certain qualities उ:   उस समय यह काफ़ी नवीनता थी। स्फूर्ति Ex:  The freshness of meat
Freshness synonyms
vigor originality inventiveness novelty brightness shine cleanness inexperience rawness dew youth sparkle greenness innovativeness glow bloom clearness viridity callowness dewiness
Freshness antonyms
dullness oldness staleness
Usage of Freshness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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