From meaning in hindi
As noun : के Ex: Most of the anglo-Americans ancestors came from England. उ: मैकाले के संदर्भ में उनकी टिप्पणी ऐसी ही है ।
As verb :
इनसे Ex: ram was interwinding from me उ: इनसे थोडी ही दूरी पर विजय मंदिर पैलेस स्थित है।
Other : अवलंबित Ex: Rising beautifully from cosmetic. उ: उसके वैदेशिक संबंध अंग्रेजों की इच्छा पर अवलंबित हो गए। आमूल Ex: words are the blocks from which sentences are made उ: समाजवादी समाज में आमूल परिवर्तन चाहते थे। उचाटना Ex: These perfumes and spices are from the orient. ओर से Ex: a holdover from the sixties के यहाँ से Ex: Bring the nailcutter from my kitbag. तँ Ex: Anil graduated from IIT Kanpur. तईँ Ex: prevention from exoderm is very easy. तैँ Ex: They bought carpets from Kashmir. त्या Ex: fugitives from the sweatshops दै Ex: Horses are fed from a manger. उ: ;इनहिं पीठि दै अनत डीठि करै सो अंधान में अंधा। ब Ex: He posessed savoir faire from his ancestors. उ: कृषि भूमि दिन ब दिन कम होती नजर आती है। से Ex: Oil is extracted from the seeds of sesame. उ: इसे बाईं से दाईं ओर लिखा जाता है। सेँति, सेँती Ex: She died from cancer. हुंता Ex: Some carpets from Himachal Pradesh are made of felt. हुते Ex: He was cashiered from the Army for indiscipline.
From ki paribhasha : kaamadev ki patni ka naam snbndhasoochak ka vibhakti ka bahuvachan roop
ExamplesFrom synonyms
against in distinction to out of possession of taken away beginning at coming out of deriving out of originating at starting with Usage of From in sentences
The word is used as preposition in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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