Frosted meaning in hindi
As noun : चीनी से आच्छादित Ex: The windows had all frosted over in the night .
As verb :
तुषाराच्छादित Ex: especially one gives this name to Optical Instruments very varied forms, by which one sees on a white paper or frosted glass, paint an accurate, mobile, and almost animated all objects exterior तुषारित तुहिनाच्छादित रूक्षित
Other : कुम्हलाना Ex: The windows were all frosted up.
ExamplesFrosted synonyms
ice-cold icy frigid arctic chilled iced siberian antarctic ice-covered icebound opaque opalescent alabaster clouded lacteal lacteous lactescent milk-white opaline whitish iridescent ivory silver fair off-white nacreous pasty wan blanched neutral light clear achromatic ashen bloodless chalky ghastly hoary immaculate pallid snowy transparent waxen silvery bleached achromic refrigerate frost congeal air-condition lessen reduce calm abate moderate temper mitigate ally air-cool infrigidate lose heat stiffen pierce benumb bite harden solidify nip glaciate chill to the bone ice over ice up paralyze stupefy desensitize dull immobilize blunt stun anesthetize obtund whitewash lighten etiolate blench fade grizzle decolorize turn pale Frosted antonyms
continual hot warm boiled heated continued moving blackish dark flushed biased cloudy strong partial prejudiced darkened dim gloomy obscure dirty hearten incite encourage inspirit enlarge increase excite go on step up extend raise strengthen agitate liquefy melt enliven brighten blacken Usage of Frosted in sentences
The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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