Frown meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Frown
As noun : तेवर Ex:  Make unwell, frown उ:   तेवर की प्राचीनता हमें ईसा की पहली शताब्दी में ले जाती है।
त्योरी चढ़ाना Ex:  See frown त्योरी Ex:  The frown त्यौरी
As verb : तेवर चढाना Ex:  Lever, down, frown तेवर चढ़ाना Ex:  Make sad frown at someone, make him bad face, coldly receiving त्यौरी चढाना Ex:  The frown of a face त्यौरी चढ़ाना Ex:  , Make someone frown भौं चढाना भौं चढ़ाना
Other : घुड़की Ex:  thinking always made him frown घूर Ex:  Please don't frown at me . भ्रू वक्र दृष्टि
Frown ki paribhasha : ek shabd jisaka prayog asvikrati ya nishedh soochit karane ke liye hota hai
Frown synonyms
glower pout glare grimace gloom sulk cloud up do a slow burn give a dirty look give the evil eye knit brows look black look daggers look stern discourage discountenance deprecate object disesteem disfavor dislike discommend look askance at not take kindly to show displeasure take a dim view of
Frown antonyms
grin smile condone approve encourage
Usage of Frown in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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