Frustrate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Frustrate
As verb :
कुंठित करना Ex:  Solidarity was strong enough to frustrate Jaruzelski's attempts at reform कुण्ठित करना Ex:  The digressions individually frustrate readers who expect a clear purpose. निराश करना Ex:  A child was supposed to frustrate collateral heirs व्र्यथ कर देना
Other : निष्फल करना Ex:  Which procedure is done to frustrate विफल करना हताश करना
Frustrate ki paribhasha : yuddh men pratidbndbi ko hataana kisi dhaaradaar chij ki daab ya ragad se do tukade karana
Frustrate synonyms
hinder depress discourage dishearten confront baffle obstruct prevent cramp lick stump neutralize forbid obviate dash cancel negate counteract circumvent check stymie forestall ruin arrest outwit prohibit crimp overcome balk halt beat nullify foil impede inhibit annul bar preclude defeat conquer block foul up hold up upset the applecart give the run around hang up render null and void cramp one's style dash one's hope
Frustrate antonyms
aid assist hearten abet release permit surrender retreat validate cooperate facilitate encourage help inspirit support allow let go lose approve push yield forward open give up
Usage of Frustrate in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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