Frustration meaning in hindi
As noun : काश्मल्य Ex:  The dog yapped at the cat in great frustration .
कुंठा Ex:  To prevent frustration with unsensed failures उ: आम जनता में कुंठा की भावना घर करने लगती है। कुण्ठा Ex:  ASEAN has also stated its frustration with the Union of Myanmar's government. नाउम्मेदी Ex:  The war was a source of constant frustration for the president नियासा Ex:  This family fell in frustration निराशा उ: अंततः वह निराशा के फलस्वरूप पाप में चला जाता है। फलखंडन भग्नाशा सन्नि हताशा उ: हताशा की हालत में उन्होंने स्वयं को देश निकाला दे दिया।
As verb : अकरणि Ex:  her constant complaints were the main source of his frustration नैराश्य वैचिञ्य
Other : आशाभंग Ex:  the childrens faces clearly expressed the frustration of the baffled निष्फलता
ExamplesFrustration synonyms
annoyance grievance resentment failure irritation dissatisfaction blow chagrin disgruntlement defeat setback contravention letdown obstruction drag circumvention fizzle bummer hindrance impediment vexation downer bitter pill foiling curbing blocking nonfulfillment nonsuccess old one-two unfulfillment Frustration antonyms
happiness success boon aid assistance cooperation encouragement pleasure triumph advance blessing boost help promotion support facilitation Usage of Frustration in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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