Fuel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fuel
As noun : इंध Ex:  Petrol is used as a fuel in most of the vehicles.
इश्तियाल Ex:  Extra fuel was released from the plane in midair . ईंधन Ex:  Cleveland is an emerging area for biotechnology and fuel cell research उ:   साथ ही ईंधन की खपत भी कम होती है। उत्तेजक बात Ex:  Scientists are also considering using microbes for living fuel cells उदगारना Ex:  Wood is burned as a fuel mostly in rural areas of the world. उपजाप Ex:  Vorster also severely limited the supply from South Africa of fuel एध Ex:  Main items imported include fuel and lubricants एधस् Ex:  The tank can be fueled with diesel fuel घलाहल Ex:  Today, about 90% of vehicular fuel needs are met by oil. डालना Ex:  His teaching provided fuel for later theology. नंषना Ex:  The longer range was used by some airlines to bypass traditional fuel stops भड़काना Ex:  The method depends mainly on whether the fuel is oil मेलना Ex:  The use of coal as a fuel predates recorded history. मेल्हना Ex:  The 737-900 also retains the MTOW and fuel capacity of the -800 रालना Ex:  Low-drag conformal fuel tanks were developed for the F-15C and D models. लावन Ex:  Sixth Army was short of the fuel required for such a breakout. संज्वलन Ex:  Maize is increasingly used as a biomass fuel समित्काष्ठ Ex:  Organic soils, especially peat, serve as a significant fuel resource. समिध् Ex:  Ethanol has a long history as a fuel हेमिया Ex:  Such a process is expected to have a much lower fossil fuel requirement.
As verb : ईंधन डालना Ex:  Most manufactured goods and fuel are imported.
Other : इंधन Ex:  I need to fuel up the car . उ:   इसके बाद स्वचालित अंतरिक्ष यान से इंधन मानव अंतरिक्षयान में भरा जाता। इंर्धन Ex:  Let's stop here and fuel up . इन्धन Ex:  I need to fuel up at the next little town . ईन्धन Ex:  These continue to fuel legends of an underground city to this day. उत्तेजक वस्तु Ex:  A gallon of fuel ignites in the same vicinity at 11:48 a. गर्मी Ex:  The Royal Australian Armoured Corps' M1A1 AIM SA uses diesel fuel उ:   यदि गर्मी अच्छी पड़ती है तो वर्षा भी खूब होती है। जलाने वाली वस्तु Ex:  The vast majority of energy is produced with fuel imported from Russia जलावन Ex:  As the Sun burns through its supply of hydrogen fuel उ:   लकड़ी जलावन के काम में भी आती है। भडकावा Ex:  As chemical reactions occur within the fuel being burned भड़कावा Ex:  What fuel there was went to panzer divisions लकड़ी Ex:  Each conformal fuel tank can hold 750 U.S. gallons of fuel. लौना Ex:  General Motors has invested heavily in all fuel cell equipped vehicles
Fuel ki paribhasha : lakade, knde aadi jo jalaane ke kaam men aate hain pakadi ya thahari hui vastu ko is prakaar chhod dena ki vah niche gir pade jalaane ki ladki, koyalaa, knd aadi
Usage of Fuel in sentences

The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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