Fulfilled meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fulfilled
As noun : अघाउ Ex:  The student fulfilled the conditions of entry to a college.
आप्यायित Ex:  I have fulfilled my repatriability. खुशनूद Ex:  Kane fulfilled his commissions: more than 120 oil canvases for Allan निर्वृत Ex:  Ratzinger fulfilled his institutional role विवद्धिंत Ex:  I can have a moment all my hours are taken, are fulfilled संतुष्ट Ex:  If my plans succeed, are fulfilled उ:   क्रांतिकारी दल इससे संतुष्ट नहीं था। संतोषित Ex:  It has fulfilled its mission badly संप्रीत Ex:  It has not fulfilled the preconditions संप्रीतिमत् Ex:  Jesus Christ fulfilled the prophecies सुविहित Ex:  Let your wishes be fulfilled and ours! It happened so, that the scripture might be fulfilled हृष्टसंकल्प Ex:  My prophecy was fulfilled unfortunately हृष्टहृदय Ex:  testator's intentions were fulfilled scrupulously
Other : कृतकार्य Ex:  He fulfilled his promise. कृतकृत्य Ex:  Only the latter of those requests was fulfilled by Galileo. तृप्त Ex:  They fulfilled a variety of purposes उ:   इसलिए प्रत्येक मनुष्य अपनी इच्छाओं को तृप्त करना चाहता है। निहाल Ex:  When the main objective of the campaign had been fulfilled उ:   वह निहाल का प्रिय मित्र है। परितुष्ट Ex:  Bio fulfilled promises of a return to civilian rule परितृप्त Ex:  This effectively fulfilled all of David's war aims. फलित Ex:  But there are many countries where these are not fulfilled . उ:   फलित ज्योतिष की कई शाखाएँ हैं। वितृप्त Ex:  He has fulfilled his message
Fulfilled synonyms
realized satisfied executed pleased finished delighted accomplished matured gratified perfected effected concluded dispatched achieved obtained effectuated actualized attained performed compassed reached crowned consummated brought about brought to a close carried out made good put into effect
Fulfilled antonyms
disappointed incomplete unfinished unsatisfied unfulfilled
Usage of Fulfilled in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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