Fulfilling meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fulfilling
As verb : संतोषप्रद Ex:  He is punctual in fulfilling उ:   वैचारिक असमानताओं के कारण उसके संबंध अपने पति से संतोषप्रद नहीं हैं।
As adjective :
अघाउ Ex:  Only after fulfilling all the pontificals one can become a pope. आप्यायित Ex:  A fulfilling job gives satisfaction. खुशनूद Ex:  They provide entertainment while fulfilling an educational role. निर्वृत Ex:  Rén is the virtue of perfectly fulfilling one's responsibilities toward others विवद्धिंत Ex:  Fill the idea that we should have, which was made of something, someone, Presenting fulfilling everything that this promises idea of everything in it संतुष्ट Ex:  fulfilling उ:   किन्तु फ्रांस इससे संतुष्ट नहीं हुआ। संतोषित Ex:  Holding out his part well in fulfilling this should be done in the society where one is संप्रीत Ex:  It is seeking senior jobs he is not capable of fulfilling संप्रीतिमत् Ex:  Some taxes are fulfilling subscription सुविहित Ex:  Speaking of Virtues, homework, mean year, fulfilling हृष्टसंकल्प Ex:  Throw the light means first Demonstrate talent and then not fulfilling the hopes we had so data हृष्टहृदय Ex:  , This man does not steal his wages, he is fulfilling what he is charged with
Fulfilling synonyms
conform render conclude fill perfect accomplish effectuate perform suffice please score suit answer achieve satisfy do finish obey observe discharge realize execute keep meet implement carry out be just the ticket comply with fill the bill make it make the grade hit the bull's-eye
Fulfilling antonyms
refuse commence destroy dissatisfy anger displease create ignore take fail begin introduce start abandon give up halt stop upset lose miss neglect bear forget overlook cancel
Usage of Fulfilling in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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