Fullness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fullness
As noun : अतिप्रसंग Ex:  We can see the fullness of the moon on a full moon day.
अत्यंतगति Ex:  the music had a fullness that echoed through the hall अभिनिष्पत्ति Ex:  Paul's words, "all the fullness of deity" and not a part. इतिकर्तव्यता Ex:  Jesus preached that following him leads to the fullness of life and love. तौफीर Ex:  Especially in terms of philosophy, it means Who has the fullness of being धुरचट Ex:  He regained the fullness of his faculties, his strength, his health, his reason निर्वृति Ex:  I speak to you in the fullness of my heart परभाग Ex:  In terms of scripture, in the fullness of time पूरीकरण Ex:  It preserved the fullness of his power पूर्णता Ex:  Our Lord was born in the fullness of time, that is to say at the end scored for the fulfillment of prophecy that foretold his birth and his death उ:   यह पूर्णता का सूचक ज्ञान है। प्रचुरता Ex:  The episcopate is the fullness of priesthood powers उ:   इस काल में स्वर्णमय व्यवहारपात्रों की प्रचुरता थी। प्रचुरत्व Ex:  The fullness of the heart, All the feelings whose heart is filled भूयस्त्व Ex:  The stomach fullness वंद्र Ex:  , The fullness of pleasure, The state of satiety, disgust produced by the too frequent use of pleasures विपुलता विपुलत्व संपदू सभारता समवहार
Other : परिपूर्णता Ex:  It is through power of fullness that kings gave some grace, some remissions which were not founded in law
Fullness synonyms
saturation completeness wholeness totality profusion surfeit swelling glut satiation vastness repletion broadness dilation fill completion wealth copiousness entirety sufficiency scope voluptuousness plenitude enlargement plenty congestion amplitude roundness satiety plenum distension wideness adequateness comprehensiveness curvaceousness extensiveness ampleness tumescence
Fullness antonyms
lack scarcity emptiness void need want incompleteness
Usage of Fullness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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