Fulsomeness meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fulsomeness
As noun : चाटुकारिता
Fulsomeness synonyms
glut waste surplus profusion exorbitance surfeit plethora superabundance rest wastefulness residue redundancy lavishness overload enough oversupply leavings inundation overweight fat spare plenty leftover overflow remainder overrun by-product refuse overmuch superfluity balance too much overkill nimiety supererogation redundance luxuriance overdose recrement the limit too much of a good thing richness excessiveness exaggeration plenitude affluence prodigality copiousness teemingness lushness effusiveness approbation stroke plaudits servility snow tribute palaver mush commendation eulogy encomium gallantry applause adulation incense puffery smoke blandishment blarney gratification fawning flattering snow job sweet talk flummery ingratiation jive sycophancy eyewash obsequiousness hokum cajolery truckling unctuousness bootlicking honeyed words pretty speech soft words soft-soap toadyism embarrassment extravagance extravagancy extravagantness overabundance
Fulsomeness antonyms
insufficiency lack core little scarcity dearth deficiency poverty shortcoming deprivation economy frugality moderation need want base few lifelessness discouragement belittlement castigation condemnation denunciation insult criticism blame offense
Usage of Fulsomeness in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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