Fun loving meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fun loving
As noun :
Fun loving synonyms
keen sparkling alert wild forward jolly glad animate animated blithe brash carefree cheerful cheery chipper confident convivial devil-may-care festive frivolous frolicsome gleeful hilarious insouciant jocund jovial joyful joyous lighthearted lively playful presuming pushy rollicking self-assertive spirited sportive sprightly sunny vivacious zippy blithesome bouncy chirpy fun-loving gamesome pleasure-seeking childish coy flirtatious impish jaunty mischievous coquettish elvish pleasant winsome enjoyable mad amusing comical boisterous boon entertaining facetious funny humorous jumping perky riotous uproarious unconstrained grooving larking rip-roaring rocking saturnalian zappy zingy happy
Fun loving antonyms
discouraged upset worried dull sad unhappy depressed colorless lifeless plain uncolorful lethargic stiff unplayful unpleasant tragic sorrowful disagreeable gloomy serious solemn grave unfunny
Usage of Fun loving in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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