Fur meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Fur
As noun : उल्लल Ex:  The woman purchased a fur from the furrier.
तनूरुह Ex:  McCartney has also criticised China's fur trade तनोजा Ex:  The French and Iroquois Wars broke out over control of the fur trade. त्वग्ज Ex:  Many fur trading forts were also attacked during this period. पशुलोम Ex:  Until the early 20th century it was hunted for its fur बाल{जानवरों की खाल पर मोटे व मुलायम बाल} Ex:  Wolves are also bred for their fur in a very few locations बीमारी में जिह्वा पर होने वाली तह Ex:  Wolves' varied coats make it difficult to create fur coats. रुआ Ex:  The first Europeans were French fur traders that arrived in the 1600s. रोँग Ex:  Minnesota's earliest industries were fur trading and agriculture रोआँ Ex:  See also fur clothing and fur farming रोइयाँ Ex:  His fur color has not been definitively established रोएँदार खाल का बना हुआ वस्त्र Ex:  North Dakota's earliest industries were fur trading and agriculture. रोएँदार खालवाले जानवर Ex:  Laika's fur was sponged in a weak alcohol solution and carefully groomed. रोएँदार Ex:  A beautiful fur उ:   अंडे से बाहर निकलने पर बच्चे काले रोएँदार परों से ढके रहते हैं। रोवँ Ex:  A fur stole रोवां Ex:  And he said to the skin of this animal as used fur रौँव Ex:  Coat doubled or trimmed with fur लोम वस्ट्र Ex:  FOX is said by ellipse, for fox fur लोम Ex:  It also means the fur of the animal उ:   इनके शरीर पर विषैले लोम होते हैं। लोमदार खाल का कपडा Ex:  It also means the fur trade लोमदार चर्म Ex:  It also said the fur that is made with ermine skin लोमदार जानवरों की खाल Ex:  It also said the skins whose fur लोमवाही Ex:  It is, by extension, the fur of the animal सकेश Ex:  It is, by extension, the fur of the animal
Other : फर Ex:  British fur trappers, British vs. समूर Ex:  It took fur gloves उ:   समूर लंबे और घने होते हैं, जिनसे इसका रंग सुंदर और आकर्षक होता है।
Fur ki paribhasha : pedon ke dhad, shaakhaa, tahani aur jad ke oopar ka aavaran jo kisi kisi men mota aur kad hota hai aur kisi men patala aur mulaayam
Fur synonyms
jacket coat wool pelt skin fluff hide down fuzz pile brush lint pelage
Usage of Fur in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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