Fusion meaning in hindi
As noun : इलहाक Ex:  a sexual spore is formed after the fusion of gametes
एकीभवन Ex:  Brass is produced by a fusion of copper and zinc. गलन Ex:  It is primarily a fusion of Jamaican ska with Trinidadian calypso द्रवण Ex:  Albanian music is a fusion of the musics of Southeastern Europe उ: इस मिश्रण से द्रवणंक कम और द्रवण क्रिया सरल हो जाती है। पिघलाव Ex:  This may a local fusion of Apollo and Maponus. संगलन Ex:  Notable performers of jazz fusion included Miles Davis संयोजन Ex:  This fusion of two gametes is called fertilization. उ: इज़राइली व्यंजनों में संयोजन देखने को मिलता है। समेकन Ex:  Often one can find a fusion of the two styles उ: आम तौर पर, सभी रिमिशन अतिरिक्त समेकन चिकित्सा के बिना असफल हो जाएंगे। सम्मिश्रण Ex:  The fusion of helium requires a higher core temperature उ: लौह-कण के सम्मिश्रण के कारण यह लाल दिखाई देती है। साह्य Ex:  The hydrogen fusion process is temperature-sensitive स्वरसंपद् Ex:  Italy has also become a home for a number of Mediterranean fusion projects.
Other : विगलन Ex:  Jazz fusion music often uses mixed meters
Fusion ki paribhasha : pighalane ya pasijane ki kriya ya bhaav do ya adhik padaarthon ki ek men milaane ki kriya ve sab chitthiyaaan aur paarsal aadi jo dak se bheji jaayan
ExamplesFusion synonyms
synthesis blend alloy melting commixture junction amalgamation merger compound coalition integration union heating unification admixture federation blending uniting coalescence liquefaction intermixture merging soldering welding coadunation commingling immixture liquification smelting Fusion antonyms
separation division disconnection Usage of Fusion in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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