Future meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Future
As noun : अगाऊ Ex:  she was unduly pessimistic about her future
अदमआबाद Ex:  The room was bright and airy
Had a bright future in publishing
अपरलोक Ex:  It is a test case for future company negotiations. आखिरत Ex:  Birla Tata promulgated the future plan. आगामी समय Ex:  The future of this industry looks gloomy. आगामी Ex:  There is general pessimism in the company about future job prospects. उ:   बजट के आगामी वर्ष के लिए अनुदान दिए जाते हैं। उर्दक Ex:  the inscrutability of the future दैवी गति Ex:  look to the future परधाम Ex:  Their orbits were never known well enough to predict future appearances. परलोक Ex:  Seeing no future for him in Cape Town उ:   यह इस लोक में भोग और परलोक में मुक्ति देने वाली है। प्रलोक Ex:  Among these were future child stars Mickey Rooney and Shirley Temple प्रेत्य Ex:  The Sarvastivadin believed that past, present, and future are all simultaneous. भवछित्त Ex:  Henry, the future Count of Champagne भवसिवत्त Ex:  Charlie Bucket was played by future Cornellian Peter Ostrum भविल Ex:  He was followed by future Hall of Famers Eddie Mathews and Hank Aaron. भविष्यत Ex:  Thus, given the present, the future is conditionally independent of the past. उ:   भविष्यत काल में- हुइहो, हैहूँ, हुइहइ आदि। भविष्यत् काल Ex:  James Stuart, future James II and VII of England and Scotland. भाभी ‡ Ex:  Burton's death left Metallica's future in doubt. भावई Ex:  Lewis substantially rewrote the chapter for future editions of the book. भाविन्या Ex:  His 4 km² claim covered much of the future North Canberra. भावी जीवन Ex:  However, many people were skeptical about the future of this endeavor. भावी दशा Ex:  The geographic future of Tokelau depends on the height of the ocean. भावी Ex:  It was during this Shamokin period that Gowen met and courted his future wife उ:   ५- भावी जीवन के लिए तैयार करना। भावी[घटनाएँ]. Ex:  The Bill of Rights also required future monarchs to be Protestants भाव्यता Ex:  Tijuana saw its future in tourism from its inception. सुरगति Ex:  In 1850, when the future Bolesław Prus was three years old, his mother died
As adjective : अग्रनिरूपण Ex:  He knew his future because he knew astrology. अप्राप्तकाल Ex:  Her colleagues see her as a future director. अवैया Ex:  He contended that Communism had no future आगामि, आगामी Ex:  The whole future lies before you. I know where my interest lies. आग्यौ Ex:  he was surprised by the prevalence of optimism about the future भवसिवत्त Ex:  Charlie Bucket was played by future Cornellian Peter Ostrum भविष Ex:  His future history includes a period called the Interregnum भविष्य Ex:  Rather than predicting the future उ:   बच्चों के भविष्य का मार्ग प्रशस्त करें । सांपराय Ex:  The future Prime Minister सिद्धनर Ex:  Once the sybil has revealed the secrets of past and future
Other : आइंदा Ex:  Who in future generations will believe this? आगम Ex:  Minister her properly, shes the future queen. उ:   इस आगम के तीर्थंकर महावीर कर्ता है। आगा Ex:  providing a factual framework for future research आगिल Ex:  Our future projection is to get more money in our business. आने वाला Ex:  The future seems to be grim. आयंदा Ex:  The committee took normative measures for future growth. भविष्य में Ex:  Band members all had different visions for Radiohead's future
Future ki paribhasha : vah sthaan jahaaan log vastuean kharidane bechane ke liye ekatr hote hain vah baat jisaka hona daivi vidhaan men nishchit ho purakha bahu vah sthaan jo sharir chhodne par aatma ko praapt hota hai bhavishy men honevaali vah vaat ya vyaapaar jisaka ghatana nishchit ho vah kaal jo prastut kaal ke samaapt ho jaane par aanevaala ho
Future synonyms
prospective eventual subsequent planned imminent forthcoming impending ultimate unfolding inevitable approaching final booked destined fated later likely near next ulterior unborn scheduled up budgeted close at hand coming up down the line down the pike down the road from here in from here on from here to eternity from now on in in the cards in the course of time in the offing just around the corner looked toward to be outlook millennium destiny infinity hereafter expectation posterity afterward futurity morrow tomorrow aftertime by and by life to come subsequent time world to come
Future antonyms
later past distant
Usage of Future in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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