Gaga meaning in hindi
As adjective : उत्साहित Ex:  Girls go gaga over filmstars. उ: उत्साहित होकर भट्ट जी ने अन्य नाटकों एवं प्रहसनों की रचना की।
उम्र की वजह से कमजोर दिवाना होना दीवाना उ: इन्होने अपने अभिनय की शुरुआत लेकर हम दीवाना दिल से शुरू की थी। बुढ़ापे के कारण सठियाया हुआ
Gaga ki paribhasha : raaja ya baadashaah ke baithane ki jagah
ExamplesGaga synonyms
distraught batty bizarre brainsick cracked crazed crazy cuckoo daft demented deranged disordered dotty fatuous frenzied idiotic impractical irrational irresponsible loony lunatic mad around the bend crazy as a loon derailed bemused brainless capricious careless changeable dizzy empty-headed erratic featherbrained fickle flighty frivolous frothy harebrained heedless inconstant irresolute bubbleheaded changeful ditzy flustered lightheade Usage of Gaga in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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