Gambler meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gambler
As noun : अक्षदेवी Ex:  In short, Close was known as a cricketing gambler
अक्षप्रिय Ex:  Each time the gambler plays the slots कृष्णाकोहल Ex:  Henry VIII is known to have been an avid gambler and dice player. जुआरी उ:   जुआरी १९६८ में बनी हिन्दी भाषा की फिल्म है। जुवाड़ी जु्आड़ी देविता द्यूतकर धूर्तकितव बैतला मुग्धम
Gambler synonyms
bettor backer speculator player bookmaker bookie crapshooter cardsharp shill dicer plunger highroller numbers runner risktaker
Usage of Gambler in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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