Gas meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gas
As noun : अश्रु गैस Ex:  The police used teargas to normalize the situation.
आँयबाँय Ex:  odorless gas उपश्लाघा Ex:  he stepped on the gas कोरी बकवास करना Ex:  Motion of gas particles is analyzed using kinetics. गैस वितरण करना Ex:  Coal gas is used for lighting and heating. गैस से चलाना Ex:  Oxygen is the gas we breathe. गैस Ex:  The Nazis killed the Jews in gas chambers. उ:   लेकिन अब यहाँ पर गैस का कारोबार होता है। ज़हरीली गैस Ex:  He owns a gas station. ज़हरीली गैस लेना[देना Ex:  We changed over to gas from oil . टीअर गैस Ex:  Ken inf lated the balloons with gas . डफोल Ex:  Someone on the bus had passed gas . डींग Ex:  We stopped for some gas . त्वरित्र Ex:  We are switching our furnace over to gas . नाचकूद Ex:  We switched over our furnace to gas . निश्चेतक नाइट्रस ओक्साइड Ex:  Pioneer Hi-Bred, McLeodUSA, and Kum & Go gas stations. पैट्रोल Ex:  In 2006, oil and gas accounted for 58% of exports. उ:   पैट्रोल और डीजल गाड़ियों की तुलना में सी.एन.जी. का खर्च कम होता है। फटफट Ex:  Another major industry of the later Industrial Revolution was gas lighting. बकताई Ex:  When oil and gas boomed in the 1970s, so did Louisiana's economy. बकनी Ex:  Several major projects are underway in the mining and oil and gas sectors that बकवाद करना Ex:  Badoglio's troops also made substantial use of mustard gas बकवास करना Ex:  Jupiter, along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, is classified as a gas giant. बकवास Ex:  Jupiter is one of the four gas giants बाष्पक Ex:  The report included details about the gas chambers मन बहलाना Ex:  The gas chambers were dismantled वल्गित Ex:  Tear gas was first employed in August 1914 by the French वायु Ex:  Japan was particularly vulnerable to gas attack. उ:   वायु के ऑक्सीजन द्वारा उसका ऑक्सीकरण हो जाता है। वायुरूप द्रव्य Ex:  It is also a regionally significant producer of natural gas वाष्प Ex:  Jupiter and Saturn became the gas giants. उ:   इसके वाष्प का रंग लाली लिए भूरा होता है। वास्प Ex:  ” All four gas giants have rings विकत्था Ex:  When it acts as a reducing agent, oxygen gas is also produced. विषाक्त करना Ex:  The EU currently imports 82% of its oil and 57% of its gas विषैली गैस छोड़ना Ex:  Death by gas was particularly horrific. व्यर्थ की बात Ex:  Mustard gas caused the most gas casualties on the Western Front शेखी मारना Ex:  Petroleum and natural gas which were discovered in oil fields offshore Sabah हवा Ex:  Natural gas is available in the City of Geneva उ:   यह वसंत और शरद ऋतु में एक से चार दिनों तक उड़ने वाली दक्षिणी हवा है।
Other : वाति Ex:  See also Territorial claims in the Arctic Petroleum and gas fields
Gas ki paribhasha : vah sookshm pravaah roop padaarth jo bhoomndl ko chaaron or se ghere hue hai aur jo praaniyon ke jivan ke liye sab se adhik aavashyak hai prakrati men vaayu ke samaan ek atynt agochar aur sookshm dravy jisake bhinn bhinn roopon ke snyog se jala, vaayu aadi padaarth banate hain
Gas synonyms
vapor smoke fumes effluvium miasma stream volatile substance
Gas antonyms
liquid solid
Usage of Gas in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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