Gate meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gate
As noun : अगिरीं Ex:  Turn in after you see the gate
अररि Ex:  Her bamboo gate creaked open. अररी Ex:  The gate was badly corroded with rust. इंट्रैस Ex:  He yanked the gate in anger. छोटा फाटक Ex:  He turned the horses away from the gate . जलद्वार Ex:  Alma-Ata became the air gate to Kazakhstan. दरवाज़ा Ex:  It is the chain of activities that brings food from "farm gate to plate". उ:   इसका दरवाज़ा छोटा है। दर्शकगण Ex:  It was turned into a gate in the 15th century. उ:   दर्शकगण मैदान में आकाश के नीचे बैठकर नाटक का अभिनय देखते हैं। दुवरवा Ex:  Though the gate was demolished in 1762 दूवार Ex:  This gate was enlarged again in 1472 and 1511 द्वार Ex:  Eventually he found the tomb near the Agrigentine gate in Syracuse उ:   पूर्वी द्वार केवल शुक्रवार को ही खुलता है। द्वारकपाट Ex:  A mysterious red time gate appears later that night प्रतिहारण Ex:  Breaking, forcing the gate प्रवेश द्वार Ex:  Close the gate फाटक Ex:  Fight to the gate उ:   जाता है और इसके दोनों सिरों पर फाटक लगाए जाते हैं। मोहर Ex:  In terms of Accounting, Profit and Loss, General Account which record the gains and losses for the year, and where one gate inputs and outputs extraordinary वहिर्देंश Ex:  It did not stop with the gate शुल्क नाका Ex:  Open the gate शुल्क फाटक Ex:  Opening, closing the gate प्रवेश मार्ग
Other : गेट Ex:  They slid through the wicket in the big gate उ:   कुनाओ गेट ऋषिकेश से ६ किमी पर है। दरवाजा Ex:  Up the hill to the castle gate उ:   उसे सागर की ओर एक दरवाजा है।
Gate ki paribhasha : ghar men aane jaane ke liye divaar men khula hua sthaan
Gate synonyms
fence exit door port conduit opening lock passage access egress portal way issue gateway doorway slammer weir portcullis turnstile revolving door
Usage of Gate in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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