Gauche meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gauche
As adjective : अपरिमार्जित Ex:  He has a gauche style of walking.
फूहड़ या भद्दा बयँहत्था
Gauche ki paribhasha : jisaki banaavat men ang pratyng ki saapekshik chhotaayi badai ka dhyaan na rakha gaya ho jo kisi kaary ko suchaarou roop se na kar sake
Gauche synonyms
awkward clumsy crude graceless green halting heavy-handed ignorant ill-mannered inelegant inept insensitive lacking maladroit oafish uncouth uncultured unhappy unpolished wooden bumbling ham-handed ill-bred
Gauche antonyms
elegant graceful mannerly tactful tasteful polished refined sophisticated
Usage of Gauche in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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