Gaudy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gaudy
As adjective : भड़कीला
Other :
उजागर Ex:  Circus artists wear gaudy clothes to attract people. उ:   उसने पुरातन फ्रांसीसी व्यवस्था की बुराईयों को उजागर किया। उज्जागरी चटक उ:   आसपास ५०० मीटर की दूरी तक इमारतों के शीशे चटक गए। चटकीला भडकीला रंगीला
Gaudy synonyms
garish splashy ostentatious brilliant jazzy flashy snazzy showy gross gay pizzazz chichi crude blatant brazen chintzy coarse flaunting florid glaring loud meretricious obtrusive pretentious raffish ritzy tasteless tawdry tinsel screaming catchpenny frou-frou gussied up kitschy putting on the ritz splendiferous
Gaudy antonyms
tasteful drab modest normal plain simple calm dull refined sophisticated
Usage of Gaudy in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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