Genealogical meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Genealogical
As adjective :
बंश―वंशविषयक Ex:  genealogical वंश का वंशपरम्परा (वंशावली) सम्बन्धी वंशावलिक वंशावली विषयक
Genealogical synonyms
familial affiliated congenital inborn inbred inherited innate maternal old past paternal consanguine consanguineous tribal born with in the family lineal running in the family totemic genetic traditional transmitted bequeathed handed down heritable inheritable transmissible willed national folk ethnological phyletic phylogenetic
Genealogical antonyms
Usage of Genealogical in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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