Generality meaning in hindi
As noun : अधिकांश Ex:  When compared with the generality of Northern उ: अधिकांश मामलों में स्ट्राइकर ही आउट होता है।
मेजारिटी Ex:  At a higher level of generality व्यापकता Ex:  Simplicity and generality are valued. उ: उन्नीसवीं शताब्दी के मध्य तक उर्दू की व्यापकता थी। सामान्य बात Ex:  Your statement is too much generality सामान्यताआ
Other : सर्वसाधारणता Ex:  He also said, in terms of Science, Laws that some observations were first made likely and that the greater generality were then given सामान्य कथन Ex:  The philosophy of history, Historical facts considered in their generality and their sequence सामान्य नियम Ex:  Without exception the specialty the generality सामान्यता उ: सामान्यता यह वर्णात्मक अभिसूचक होता है।
Generality ki paribhasha : chaaron or ya sab jagah phaila hua hona
ExamplesUsage of Generality in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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