Generally meaning in hindi
As noun : अक्सर Ex:  Desert landscape is generally featureless उ: इन राज्यों में अक्सर एक दूसरे के बीच लड़ा।
As adverb :
आमतौर पर Ex:  She generally buys things in downmarket. आमतौर Ex:  Galaxies are generally of two kinds
spiral and non-spiral. उ: आमतौर पर बादाम बिना छिलके के ही मिलता है । प्रा Ex:  Some sales girls are generally prude. प्राय-सामान्य्त-साधारणतया Ex:  Camellias are generally found in China and Japan. व्यापक रुप से Ex:  The Cheetah is generally credited as the worlds fasted animal. साधारणता से Ex:  IL-10 is generally regarded as an anti-inflammatory cytokine सामान्यतय Ex:  Since 1990, California has generally elected Democratic candidates.
spiral and non-spiral. उ: आमतौर पर बादाम बिना छिलके के ही मिलता है । प्रा Ex:  Some sales girls are generally prude. प्राय-सामान्य्त-साधारणतया Ex:  Camellias are generally found in China and Japan. व्यापक रुप से Ex:  The Cheetah is generally credited as the worlds fasted animal. साधारणता से Ex:  IL-10 is generally regarded as an anti-inflammatory cytokine सामान्यतय Ex:  Since 1990, California has generally elected Democratic candidates.
Other : बहुधा Ex:  Girls are generally blushing in nature. उ: बहुधा उसमें ऐलुमिनियम की नाकनुमा धार लगी रहती है। सामान्यतः Ex:  Taoism generally expresses this as "integrity" or "wholeness". उ: प्रकृती में सामान्यतः विस्फोट होते नहीं है।
ExamplesGenerally synonyms
publicly mostly largely typically ordinarily commonly roughly customarily widely usually normally universally about altogether approximately chiefly en masse extensively overall popularly practically primarily principally regularly roundly habitually broadly all in all almost always as a rule by and large conventionally for the most part on average on the whole predominantly thereabouts Generally antonyms
rarely sometimes unusually exactly particularly seldom specifically Usage of Generally in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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