Generation meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Generation
As noun : उत्पादन निर्माण Ex:  youth generation is such a techno geek.
उत्पादन Ex:  This generation kids are very fond of pizza. उ:   अनाजों में सर्वाधिक धान का उत्पादन किया जाता है। उदभावन Ex:  Younger generation of todays believe in free love. गर्भमोक्ष Ex:  These changes are relatively minor from one generation to the next जनन Ex:  The Runosong was revitalized by a new generation of performers उ:   उनका जनन भी सादृश्य है। जूग Ex:  Next came the generation of Russian-born architects and engineers जेनरेशन Ex:  A generation after his death उ:   जेनरेशन कंपनी बंद नहीं होगी। पीढी़ Ex:  Evert possessed the best return-of-service of her generation . पीढ़ी Ex:  This first generation of games introduced the original 151 species of Pokémon पुश्त Ex:  Like the previous generation उ:   वे कानिफा के शिष्य होने से जालंधरपाद की तीसरी पुश्त में पड़ते हैं। प्रजनन Ex:  The saga continues in , based on the third generation games. उ:   प्रजनन वर्षाऋतु के गरम दिनों में होता है। प्रादुष्करण Ex:  The younger generation युग Ex:  After less than a generation उ:   इस तरह तीसरे युग की शुरुआत होती है। युगअ Ex:  The City magistrates were of the generation that had fought in the Civil War सुत्या Ex:  These people inherited the countercultural values of the Beat generation
Other : सन्तति Ex:  Inevitably, a generation of poets who rebelled against the example of Yeats
Generation ki paribhasha : khadg ke bich ka vah bhaag jo ooancha ho, arthaat jahaaan par vah adhik chaud hota hai vah pravaah jo avichchhinn roop se chalata ho vnshaparapara men koi ek sthaan RRiddhi aur vraddhi naamak do oshadhiyaaan tntr ke anusaar mntron ke das snskaaron men se pahala snskaar jisamen mntron ka maatrika varnon se uddhaar kiya jaata hai
Generation synonyms
bearing origination propagation formation procreation reproduction breeding genesis spawning begetting bringing forth engenderment fructifying multiplying crop time span eon rank step period epoch day peers aeon days times contemporaries
Generation antonyms
Usage of Generation in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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