Gent meaning in hindi
As noun : अप्रज्ञ Ex:  adjectively, La gent feathered
पंचजन Ex:  The marshy gent परुस Ex:  , The gent sheepish, People who are doing what they see, who blindly follow the example of others, such as sheep पुं Ex:  The gent who wear the turban, the ancient Turks, the nation of Turks पुंस पुरख पुरष पुरुख ‡ पुरुष प्रसाधन कक्ष पुरुष उ: इसमें से ५१% पुरुष एवं ४९% स्त्रियां हैं। पुरुष्ष पुर्ख पुर्ष पोरसा मनसेधू ‡ मुजक्कर मैन उ: विवियन रिचर्ड्स को मैन ऑफ द मैच घोषित किया गया। वृधसानु सहस्त्रपाद् स्त्रीधव
Gent ki paribhasha : saankhy ke anusaar prakrati se bhinn bhinn aparinaami, akarta aur asng chetan padaarth
ExamplesGent synonyms
boy guy father sir grandfather gentleman brother fellow son husband mr. lad skate Gent antonyms
girl female Usage of Gent in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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