Genteel meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Genteel
As noun : उबाऊ
As adjective :
आहार्य कपोलकल्पित नतशिर नम्र उ:   इनके बाल श्वेत रंग के होते हैं और इनकी प्रकृति नम्र होती है। प्रश्रयो प्रह्ल प्रह्लाण बंधुरित बनावटी बिनत वंदारु वाक्यस्थ विनमित शालीनीकरण संप्रश्रित समक्न
Genteel ki paribhasha : jo achchhi tarah dharm ka aacharan karata ho ek prakaar ke bngaali braahmana, jo un paaanch braahmanon ki sntaan hain, jinhen pnchagaud ke mahaaraaj aadi- shoor apane raajy men saagnik braahman na hone ke kaarana, aatharvi shalaabdi ke aarnbh men kaashi se apane saath le gae the jo kisi sabha men snmilit ho aur usake vichaaraniy vishayon par apani snmati de sakata ho shrrangaar ras men ek kaayik haav ya angacheshta
Genteel synonyms
noble ostentatious polite elegant aristocratic stylish refined affected artificial chivalrous civil confined courteous courtly fashionable formal graceful hollow intolerant mannerly polished pompous precious pretentious priggish prim prissy prudish respectable straitlaced stuffy urbane well-behaved well-bred well-mannered cultivated la-di-da distinguã©
Genteel antonyms
unsophisticated uncivilized boorish callous uncultured unrefined unfashionable rough rude rugged
Usage of Genteel in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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