Genuine meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Genuine
As adjective : अकृत्रिम Ex:  a genuine Picasso उ:   यह अकृत्रिम पूर्णार्हता का उदय होने पर ही प्राप्त हो सकता है।
अक्लीब Ex:  I have genuine love for my country. अजिह्म Ex:  They greeted me with genuine cordiality. अमिश्रित या वास्तविक Ex:  Upon confirmation that those miracles are genuine अमिश्रित Ex:  They say that such experience is a genuine and important source of knowledge. असली Ex:  These are not fakes of genuine merit badges उ:   पर इसके असली रूप का निर्धारण नहीं हो पाया है। इमानदार Ex:  While these varieties are often influenced by the genuine dialects उ:   बड़े इमानदार और समाजसेवी राजनेता थे। जेन्य Ex:  Pathos is projected onto genuine works of art थेट Ex:  genuine title पौण्य Ex:  It also means Gaining recognition for genuine and legal प्रमाणिक Ex:  It also means to recognize genuine उ:   ब्राह्मण ग्रन्थों में इसे सर्वाधिक प्रमाणिक माना जाता है। बेलौस Ex:  It still means which is true, consistent with what is stated, as opposed to Falsified, From the genuine gold शुद्धधी श्लक्ष्ण सच्चा उ:   सच्चा ब्रहृम निर्विशेष, अद्वय और विशुद्ध है। सत्योद्य सश्रद्ध स्वव्याज
Other : खरा Ex:  One possible account for the reluctance is that if the image is genuine चोखा Ex:  Roosevelt certified William Howard Taft to be a genuine "progressive" in 1908 उ:   चोखा मेला, गोरा कुम्हार, नरहरि सोनार इत्यादि संत इसी परंपरा के हैं। ठेठ Ex:  Hermie finds himself developing genuine romantic interest in the young bride उ:   लक्षन एक ठेठ वयस्क व्यक्ती से बदाल सकता है। निर्व्याज Ex:  He justified his father to son nobility, for four hundred years, with genuine title वास्तव Ex:  This is genuine divination that has regained the sense of several ancient languages उ:   वास्तव में यह नाम इस जगह को सार्थक करता है। वास्तविक Ex:  In this you what he touches? I take a genuine interest in all that concerns you, everything that touches your family उ:   वास्तविक शिराएँ, धमनियों और केशिकाएँ नहीं होती। विशुद्ध उ:   विशुद्ध अमोनिया द्रव में सोडियम घुलकर नीला विलयन देता है। सचमुच उ:   वह सचमुच अप्सराओं से भी ज़यादा सुन्दर थी। सदाशय
Genuine ki paribhasha : tntr ke anusaar sharir ke andar ke chhah chakron men se paaanchavaaan chakra, jo gale men maana jaata hai jaisa thik hona chaahie, vaisa jisamen koi vastu milaayi na gai ho jo baat jaisi hai, usake snbndh men vaisa hi kathan jo pratyaksh aadi pramaanon dvaara siddh ho jo kisi ki chhaayaa, ya anuvaad na ho shastr chhodne se poorv use abhimntrit karane ka ek mntr bilakul thik aur poora bina milaavat ka shuddh
Genuine synonyms
natural positive certain legitimate pure bona fide palpable absolute accurate actual demonstrable exact factual good hard indubitable kosher literal official original plain precise proved sound sterling -carat 24-carat sincere earnest heartfelt artless candid frank known open reliable righteous trustworthy unfeigned unimpeachable unquestionable up front valid true undesigning unpretended well-established
Genuine antonyms
indefinite uncertain unsure questionable counterfeit illegitimate sham unreal deceptive dishonest insincere misleading doubtful dubious false affected deceiving untrustworthy invalid
Usage of Genuine in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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