Genuineness meaning in hindi
Other : असलियत उ: तब उसे एक लुटेरों का जहाज़ दिखता है जो असलियत में ब्लैक पर्ल है। खराई चोखाई दयानत विशुद्ध उ: वह विशुद्ध चैतन्य स्वरूप की ओर अग्रसर हो रहा होता है। विशुद्धता
ExamplesGenuineness synonyms
potency truthfulness right force weight point authority cogency strength efficacy realness gravity soundness effectiveness foundation power legitimacy punch validity legality persuasiveness substance grounds validness Genuineness antonyms
weakness incompetence ineffectiveness lethargy inefficiency unimportance impotence invalidity uselessness Usage of Genuineness in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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