Gesture meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gesture
As noun : अँगडा़ई Ex:  a political gesture
अंग विक्षेप Ex:  The two ambassodors shook hands as a symbolic gesture of having resolved their differences. अंगविक्षेप Ex:  It was a very kind gesture by him to offer his seat to the lady. अग्रन Ex:  The gesture was the idea of Cincinnati Reds outfielder Ken Griffey, Jr. अघ्रान Ex:  All of these works have in common a gesture of compassion. अड़ाअड़ Ex:  Beckham responded with a one-fingered gesture and अनन्यभाव Ex:  This playful gesture became one of Hitchcock's signatures. अनभावा Ex:  As a gesture of defiance आनुकूल्य Ex:  As a gesture of thanks इंगित चेष्टा Ex:  While mainly seen as a gesture of reconciliation इमोशन Ex:  A negative gesture इशारा करना Ex:  A sign, a hand gesture उँघाई Ex:  Attach a sense, a meaning to a word, a gesture उपक्षेपण Ex:  Boldness a gesture ways एक्सप्रेशन Ex:  By extension, A unconscious gesture खौट Ex:  Call Eye, gesture गार्हपत Ex:  Having gesture handsome, noble, easy चुआव Ex:  He spoke of the eyes and gesture चुकावडा Ex:  His gesture has the scale चोँका Ex:  In the finger and the eye, by gesture and by the look चोँथ Ex:  inelegant gesture चोखनि Ex:  It also says a drama where the actors Sort compensate for speech by gesture जाजना Ex:  It also says a polite gesture that involves kissing the hand of a lady to greet or take leave of her झड़न Ex:  It animated the troops of gesture and voice झीँख Ex:  It encouraged me a gesture approver झोँकवाई Ex:  It has a noble air, the size of the noble gesture the noble process झोँकाई Ex:  It has something theatrical in the flow, in the gesture टहलान Ex:  It means, by extension, who imitates that gesture expressed by ठगपना Ex:  It was a happy gesture, a gesture unhappy ठोँ Ex:  Make a hand gesture तकन Ex:  Make someone a gesture of contempt तकर्रुरी Ex:  Making a snub, Make before a person that we want to mock gesture of extending his nose with his hand extended तपम्विता Ex:  Place the hands in the pocket, make this gesture to make money in his purse; hence, figuratively, Paying, finance तर्हदारी Ex:  Rub hands, Doing familiar gesture expressing satisfaction तिरन Ex:  sign of the cross, religious gesture that Catholics are carrying the hand of the head to the chest, then left to the right shoulder, cross-shaped तिरावण Ex:  The physiognomy, the gesture had their eloquence तुड़ा़ई Ex:  These are often referred poems by the general term gesture Songs तुतरानि Ex:  This gesture is familiar तुतलान Ex:  Word or gesture that is used to mark someone's anger, resentment and make him fear the evil that prepares him तेहराव Ex:  , and all that concerns the capacity and gesture दराकन Ex:  , feline gesture, gesture that the flexibility of the cat's movements दुआगोई Ex:  , Motorized his spurs, raising his voice and gesture with warmth and boldness दोहराहट Ex:  Attitude, hieratic gesture, attitude and gesture consistent with an ancient rite, established, fixed नमनीयता निबटान निबर्हण निर्गंधता निष्कामता पटकनि पारिव्राजक, पारिव्राज्य पिहकनि पूछाताछी पूछापेखी प्रणाशन फड़क फुलनि फेँक फेँट बदचलनी बरसनि बलकनि बिगोवन भंगिमा उ:   उसकी भंगिमा युद्ध की स्तिथि की होती है। भंडपना भगदर भरबाई भारवाहन भाव प्रदर्शन भाव भंगिमा भाव से व्यक्त भाव उ:   पवित्र भाव से की गई भूल क्षम्य होती है। भावाट भुनवाई, भुनाई भोक्तृत्व मँजाई मचमचाहट मिलौअल मुँहचोरई ‡ मुँहभराई मुरक मुर्गबाजी मुहताजी मूत्तत्व मेरवन मेल उ:   सरिता के दोनों तटों का मेल कभी भी नहीं हो सकता। मोरन मोहताजी मौकूफी रफतनी रौँदन लटकनि लटापटी वयन वशिता विह्नलता संकारना समागमन समाचेष्टित समुझनि सलामकराई सान्निव्यता सीक्रेट उ:   इस प्रकार पहले एफबीआई एजेंट वास्तव में सीक्रेट सर्विस के एजेंट थे। सीझ स्मेरता हँकराव, हँकरावा हँसन हरखनि हलाकानी ‡ हाइभाइ हालडोल हाव भाव हिलनि मुद्रा उ:   भारतीय मुद्रा अबाध रूप से लाया जा सकता है।
As verb : इंगित करना Ex:  After that, the polonaise became the preimminent ceremonial gesture in Russia. उपप्रदर्शन Ex:  By doing this, he made a nice gesture संसूचन
Other : इंगित Ex:  Viewed as a gesture to Liberals उ:   यह नाम शनि से आया है जो एक हिन्दू देवता को इंगित करता है। इशारा Ex:  A threatening gesture चेष्टा Ex:  Imitate with the gesture and the way actors Mimes called उ:   इन्होंने सामाजिक जीवन के निकटतम पहलुओं को दिखलाने की चेष्टा की है। हावभाव
Gesture ki paribhasha : bolate, vakatrata dete va gaate samay haath pair sir aadi ka hilaana apana bhaav prakat karane ke liye kiya hua kaayik parichaalan ya cheshta striyon ki vah cheshta jisase purushon ka chitt aakarshit hota hai sharir ke angon ki vah gati ya avastha jisase man ka bhaav ya vichaar prakat ho gorakhapnthi saadhooon ke pahanane ka ek karnabhooshan jo praayaः kaaanch va sphatik ka hota hai
Gesture synonyms
nod signal token indication body language action reminder expression salute curtsy bow wink mime intimation genuflection wave gesticulation high sign sign language shrug pantomime kinesics
Gesture antonyms
Usage of Gesture in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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