Get back meaning in hindi
As verb : अपावर्त्तन Ex:  Its high time to get back to business.
जवाब देना या पुन Ex:  I have to get back to work . दुबारा प्राप्त करना Ex:  He pleaded to get back his property पर्यावर्त Ex:  I lent him a book, I want to get back the पुन Ex:  I saw her get back in as place उ: पुन रन २०१० में रह गए हैं। पुनः पा लेना Ex:  I'll see you when I get back प्रतिनिवर्तन Ex:  You talk about pay me in two years is get back far प्रतिप्रयाण Ex:  I want to get back to the Greek बदला लेना लौटना उ: जिसमें राष्ट्रकुटों को वापस लौटना पड़ा था। विनिवर्तन विपरिवर्तन विपरिवृत्ति व्यपवर्तन व्याघुटन समावर्त्त समावर्त्तन
Other : लौट आना
Get back ki paribhasha : jngali baadaam ka ped jo bhaarat ke pashchimi kinaaron par hota hai idhar se udhar muanh pherana
ExamplesGet back synonyms
recover recoup reclaim repossess retrieve salvage come back revert reappear revisit come home arrive home turn back Get back antonyms
lose miss pass depart go away leave Usage of Get back in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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