Get it meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Get it
As noun :
समझ में आना Ex:  Having views on something, Train design, propose to acquire, to get it
Get it synonyms
get recognize comprehend understand know grasp think visualize envision apprehend image feature fancy imagine catch conceive envisage discern pick up take in be cognizant of become conscious of catch on get the idea get the picture see daylight get through one's head fly shoot rush gallop tear scamper bound scurry dart bolt scoot sprint hurry chase career spring course charge race haste lash hasten speed boil get on it make a run for it make it snappy rush at
Get it antonyms
misunderstand mistake disbelieve disregard ignore miss misinterpret forget lose neglect fail walk slow wait dawdle aid assist stay encourage help inspirit
Usage of Get it in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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