Get on meaning in hindi
As noun : मिल कर रहना Ex:  The process by which we get on paper, to through the press, the imprint of which was drawn or written on a stone of a particular species, with a pencil or with ink of a certain composition
सफल होना Ex:  He wanted to get on the first fruits of his talent आगे बढना
As verb : अकलना Ex:  he told me curtly to get on with it उलेखनापु Ex:  We get on very well with each other. औराना Ex:  I've got to get on my horse and go . किसी के साथ बनना Ex:  The child was afraid to get on the train . जानना Ex:  We need to get on with our lives . उ: पहले तो यह जानना आवश्यक है कि हमारे ज्ञान की पहुँच कहाँ तक है। निबोध Ex:  You really should get on the bandwagon . निभाना Ex:  But he did not get on with them. परिगम Ex:  Hemingway did not get on well with Zelda, either. पर्यावलोकन Ex:  No matter where you get on and where you get down. प्रगति करना Ex:  Come, get on board, Reaching the shore, arriving at the edge of the water at the seaside प्रबन्ध करना Ex:  If JOINING means get on these roles in s' committing to serve during a time determined लगे रहना Ex:  We can not get on this boat, the board was removed, withdrawn व्यंदना Ex:  Cheval saddle and draft horse which can, at will, ride a car or get on with सम्पर्क करना सम्पर्क में आनाना सहचरण सहसंवास साथ रहना
Get on ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ki sthiti, guna, kriya ya pranaali ityaadi nirdisht karanevaala bhaav dhaaran karana kisi baat ko baarabaar chalaaye chalana
ExamplesGet on synonyms
ascend board climb embark scale enplane entrain go up do get along advance fare get by make out manage muddle through prosper shift succeed do well enough agree concur harmonize hit it off be friendly wear assume attire don draw on dress slip into throw on Get on antonyms
dismount get off disrobe disagree unclothe Usage of Get on in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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