Get out of meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Get out of
As noun : छुटकारा पाना Ex:  You'd better get out of here and go to the school house".
से निकलना Ex:  If I ever get out of his clutches, his claws of
Get out of synonyms
duck shuffle evade elude fend off escape ditch skirt trick swerve deceive fence pussyfoot equivocate lurch parry dark slide malinger weasel slip shake hedge shift fudge shirk tergiversate shake off short-circuit juke circumlocute get around give the slip move to the side put the move on skip out on tergiverse turn aside avoid bypass dance around go around unmask disrobe shed disarray peel shock dismantle denude doff husk strip unclothe get off uncloak divest oneself slip off slip out of unattire cop out relay pass on slide out of
Get out of antonyms
release confront face meet take on encounter stand up to clothe cover dress
Usage of Get out of in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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