Get over meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Get over
As verb : उबर पाना Ex:  You'll get over this setback .
उभरना Ex:  I thought I would never get over the mumps . ऊभरना Ex:  I helped him get over the wall . ज्ञानापोह Ex:  The mountains themselves can get over 100 inches तंड़ना Ex:  A strong spirit , says a person who prides himself on not believing the dogmas of religion; and, in general, Anyone who wants to get over the views and received maxims दुर होना Ex:  and, in general, Whoever wants to get over the views and received maxims फरोगुजाश्त Ex:  I can not get over my surprise बिसवना भूल जाना समाप्त करना
Get over synonyms
mend survive overcome pull through recuperate shake off come round get better
Usage of Get over in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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