Gibbosity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gibbosity
As noun : उभार
ऊठ रूढ़ि स्तनतट
Gibbosity synonyms
wart lump projection bump swelling promontory growth excrescence dilation bunch protrusion salient sac blob distention protuberance jut excess outgrowth prominence tumor superfluity appendage nodule tuberosity salience bunching sagging tumefaction outthrust convexity intumescence bagginess nodulation knob ridge hunch mound dune elevation eminence hill kyphosis hummock knap convexedness knurl
Gibbosity antonyms
lack depression ingrowth flat ditch unimportance
Usage of Gibbosity in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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