Gift meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gift
As noun : अंहति Ex:  Land is an imperishable gift of nature.
अंहिति Ex:  The lady turned away the gift given by her husband. अकोल Ex:  I want to give surprise gift to my brother. अधिकारी Ex:  He was so excited seeing what the gift was. उ:   अधिकारी के अनेक कार्य होते है। अभ्युपायन Ex:  She unfolded the gift wrapper. अर्पण की हुई वस्तु Ex:  T.V. show hosts have the gift of the gab. अविलष्ट Ex:  This small gift as a token will be a boost for the childs improvement. अह्लीयत Ex:  The gift was given affectionately. आनतिकर Ex:  She has a gift for parody. आसान बात Ex:  The gift was his way of salving his conscience. आसान Ex:  A gift to my friend with thanks. उ:   सबसे आसान तो सादा परांठा ही होता है। आसानी से प्राप्त वस्तु Ex:  Sharon has a gift for dealing with animals . उपग्राह Ex:  I'll be happy to kick in on a gift . उपग्राह्य Ex:  Sure, I would like to kick in for the gift . उपग्राह्य Ex:  Sure, I would like to kick in for the gift . उपहार देना Ex:  As an apology, I offered a gift to the hostess . उपहार प्रमाण पत्र Ex:  I owe money for the gift to Ann . उपहार Ex:  I still owe money for the gift . उ:   वे कहते हैं कि यह भगवान की ओर से मिला उपहार है। औसाफ Ex:  I want a gift for my wife . कामवर Ex:  Faith, for Luther, was a gift from God. खुबी Ex:  Prussia's King presented a gift to Tsar Peter: the Amber Room. गुण Ex:  The Statue of Liberty was a gift from France to the United States. उ:   अधातुओं में यह गुण नहीं पाया जाता है। जर्फ Ex:  Maradona gave a gift of love to the people of Iran: el Diez said जोगतापु Ex:  If a man received a gift टाकोली Ex:  But he showed an early gift for art टिप Ex:  New Jersey, which he had purchased in 1886 as a wedding gift for Mina. उ:   वे एक ब्रश टिप और एक छोटे से उठाई गोली टिप है। तत्वता Ex:  Ashmole made a gift of the Tradescant Collection ददनी Ex:  Callas had a particular gift for language and the use of language in music. दातवपु Ex:  This angel gave him the gift of the five wounds of Christ". दान उपहार Ex:  He received a gift of a fine of £1200 on one of Essex's accomplices. दान देना Ex:  His gift to Alexander दान Ex:  As with all honours except those in the Sovereign's personal gift उ:   प्रति पाँचवें वर्ष वह सर्वस्व दान करता था। देन (प्रकृति या इश्वर की Ex:  Here, Tchaikovsky's gift could be more freely deployed than it had previously. देन Ex:  The boy, a slave, was a gift from one of his patrons, Asinius Pollio. उ:   अपने आधुनिक रूप में यह अमरीका की देन है। देने की शक्ति का अधिकार Ex:  The mosque was a gift from King Faisal of Saudi Arabia in the 1970s. Ex:  Surrey from about 1919 until 1939. The Bentley house was a gift of her father. नजराना Ex:  Antique name given by the ancients to some women that they attributed the knowledge of the future and the gift of prophecy नज़राना Ex:  Deed of gift निर्धाप Ex:  Donate to someone, to gift something निष्प्रतिग्रह Ex:  Faith is a gift of God पातनिका Ex:  Get something in gift पारभृत Ex:  Give as a gift पेशकश Ex:  Give gift उ:   धर्मशास्त्रियों ने धार्मिक विचारों की पेशकश की है। पेशकश Ex:  Give gift उ:   धर्मशास्त्रियों ने धार्मिक विचारों की पेशकश की है। प्रतिग्रह करना Ex:  Grace is a supernatural gift प्रतिभा Ex:  He has the gift of speech उ:   वे बहूमुखी प्रतिभा के स्वामी थे। प्रादेशन Ex:  He has the gift to please everyone, the gift of pleasing प्राभृत, प्राभृतक Ex:  In terms of Jurisprudence, Portion available share, portion or proportion of goods which the law allows to dispose by gift or by will फजीनगी Ex:  It also says a person who is under the influence of hypnotic sleep especially a woman to which we attribute the gift to foresee the future in that sleep बख्शीश Ex:  It is a beautiful gift of nature a happy memory भेँट Ex:  It is sometimes used ironically to express a thing is made or given grudgingly, or a gift is made with stinginess भेंटअ Ex:  It takes this gift of your liberality भेटिया Ex:  Not only I paid, but I gave him a gift मदजल Ex:  OFFER means for Religion, an offering, a gift in honor of God मूल्यक Ex:  PRIVILEGED means, figuratively, Who received a gift of nature particularly यथार्ह Ex:  Revoke an order, a power, a gift योग्यता Ex:  Some mystics have had the gift of tears उ:   व्यक्ति की कोई भी शैक्षणिक योग्यता हो उसे प्रबंधक कहा जा सकता है। लियाकत Ex:  The apostles had the gift of tongues, by the infusion of the Holy Spirit वस्फ Ex:  The apostles received the gift of tongues विलंभ Ex:  The gift of prophecy विशेष गुण या शक्ति प्रदान करना Ex:  The gift of prophecy विश्रणन Ex:  The gift of speech विश्राणन Ex:  The gift of tongues विहापित Ex:  The husband and wife have made a mutual gift of their property विहायस्, विहायस Ex:  This actor, the actress has the gift of tears संखयता Ex:  This book is the author's gift संप्रदानीय Ex:  What a wonderful gift you make me! Mutual donation, mutual donation are that the husband and wife the usufruct of their property to the surviving enjoy in संप्रदानीय Ex:  What a wonderful gift you make me! Mutual donation, mutual donation are that the husband and wife the usufruct of their property to the surviving enjoy in सफन Ex:  The Apostles received the gift of tongues समर्हण Ex:  Who has the gift of humor सलाहीयत सवगात सस्ती वस्तु साति सुशक सुहंगम सौगात हस्तिमद
As verb : नजराना देना Ex:  A gift of money or silver भेंट देना Ex:  It Possession also means a gift of something pulling profits, benefits, etc
Other : अर्पण Ex:  This gift was a souvenir of my birthday. उ:   मैं आपको अपना शरीर, अपना दिमाग और अपनी बोली, सब कुछ अर्पण करता हूं। इनाम Ex:  My brother really has the gift of gab . उ:   एसटीएफ ने उस की जानकारी के लिए ₹ ५००० का नकद इनाम की घोषणा की। उत्सर्ग Ex:  We chose to honor you with a little gift . घूस Ex:  From an early age, Mozart had a gift for imitating the music he heard. नज़र Ex:  Get something in gift बख्शीस Ex:  It is a gift of the Holy Spirit भेंट Ex:  It said, in terms of Theology to What is a pure gift of God उ:   बल्लभाचार्य से इनकी भेंट वहीं पर हुई थी। मुफ्त Ex:  POET also designates one who has the gift of poetry उ:   अनेक सॉफ्टवेअर मुफ्त में वितरित हो रहे है। हिब्बा
Gift ki paribhasha : praachin RRishi ka naam jo paraashar ke pita the ek pratyay jo snkhyaavaachak shabdon ke aage lagata hai aur utani hi baar kisi vishesh snkhyaa, maatra ya parimaan ko soochit karata hai lenevaale se badale men kuchh na chaahakar ya lekar udaarataavash dene ka kaary jo vastu bhent men di jaay vah vastu jo paradesh se isht mitron ko dene ke liye laayi jaay taatparyabodh ke liye vaaky ke tin gunon men se ek vah asaadhaaran maanasik shakti jisaki sahaayata se manushy aapase aapa, vishesh prayatn kiye bina hi, kisi kaam men bahut adhik yogyata praapt kar leta aur doosaron se aage badh jaata hai shanvon ki upaasana ke niyam jo chhah hain—hasita, gita, nraty hudukkaara, namaskaar or jap
Gift synonyms
premium offering grant bonus relief tip benefit award souvenir subsidy favor donation legacy contribution reward endowment tribute present allowance dispensation remembrance benefaction hand-me-down pittance bequest gratuity philanthropy honorarium boon bounty subscription presentation libation ration lagniappe oblation courtesy provision charity handout token bestowal alms giveaway largesse fairing write-off remittance offertory goodie accomplishment ability acquirement bent attribute set capacity genius propensity head power specialty attainment faculty instinct forte knack aptness capability turn nose leaning flair numen
Gift antonyms
loss hurt forfeit penalty taking inability weakness incompetence incapacity surrender miss lack ineptitude impotence failure ineptness
Usage of Gift in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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