Gifted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gifted
As noun : प्रतिभावान Ex:  Planck was gifted when it came to music. उ:   कथकली के इतिहास में अनेक प्रतिभावान कलाकार हैं।
As adjective :
गुणी या प्रतिभाशाली Ex:  Kapil was a gifted cricketer. प्रतिग्रहीत Ex:  Pelé played alongside many gifted players
Other : गुणाढ्य Ex:  he is a gifted poet. उ:   गुणाढ्य की बृहत्कथा में गोपाल दारक आर्यक के विद्रोह की कथा है। सम्पन्न Ex:  The treaty also gifted the ports of Berehaven उ:   कोशों की दृष्टि से मराठी भाषा अत्यन्त सम्पन्न है।
Gifted ki paribhasha : jo kisi kala ya vidya men nipun ho
Gifted synonyms
brilliant accomplished skilled smart capable adroit clever expert hot ingenious mad masterly phenomenal class act got it have on the ball have smarts have the goods hotshot shining at
Gifted antonyms
stupid unintelligent unable incapable dull inept untalented
Usage of Gifted in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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