Gilding meaning in hindi
As noun : पदार्थ जिससे कलई की जाती है Ex:  It also means, in terms of Gilder, Repair with white lead burrs that yellow color to receive the gilding was able to on funds
As verb :
सोना चढ़ाना Ex:  They say even Reviving colors, gilding स्वर्णलेपन Ex:  This also said some gilding to small irons, which put on the flat or on the backs of books
Other : गिलट Ex:  Egg White Binding beaten with alcohol which rubbed the binding of a book before applying gilding मुलम्मा Ex:  The gilding of a ceiling
ExamplesGilding synonyms
bedeck adorn plate varnish whitewash paint enrich ornament brighten beautify coat enhance overlay garnish glitter grace embroider aureate dress up tinsel engild begild aurify Gilding antonyms
strip decrease harm reveal reduce Usage of Gilding in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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