Gingerbread meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gingerbread
As noun : अदरक पड़ी मीठा बिस्कुट Ex:  Polish gingerbread and others.
अदरक पड़ी मीठी टिकिया Ex:  A gingerbread pad
Gingerbread synonyms
color wreath trinket finery design ribbon plaque lace garbage spangle doodad extravagance filigree flounce bauble frippery braid dingbat inlay trimming fuss jazz festoon gilt flourish scroll thing sequin garniture fretwork arabesque furbelow tinsel curlicue parquetry gewgaws gimcracks appliquã© fandangle tooling coloring adornment exaggeration embroidery ornamentation elaboration ostentation overstatement enhancement enrichment hyperbole floridity gilding embroidering flowery speech froufrou icing on the cake supplementary added ancillary additional unnecessary extraneous unused extraordinary fresh supplemental new further leftover other special auxiliary gravy supernumerary needless perk lagniappe button inessential tip ice surplus spare more reserve another beyond optional redundant superfluous unneeded in addition in reserve in store one more over and above decorative gaudy lavish sumptuous elegant complicated ornate deluxe elaborate custom chichi baroque rococo cushy fanciful intricate ostentatious resplendent showy spiffy unusual frilly adorned garnished decorated beautifying embellished gathering ruffle tuck amenity superfluity foppery art treasure jewel accessory knickknack pride honor beautification frou frou piping border fringe edging
Gingerbread antonyms
eyesore plainness disfigurement injury simplification spoliation needed used commonplace usual worn basic elementary fundamental necessary normal ordinary old main essential integral unadorned ugly simple poor unornamented unfancy decrease divestment disgrace inside interior middle center
Usage of Gingerbread in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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