Gird meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Gird
As verb : ऊबंधना Ex:  First Stanza: Let gird
बंधकरण Ex:  Absolutely If gird the body, gird the loins, Shaking the body, kidneys with a belt, scarf, rope, etc बाँदना ‡ Ex:  If gird a scarf, rope, etc बाँधना Ex:  It also said figuratively to surround, gird बोलीना Ex:  Tape used to gird the forehead and the head मुष्टिकरण यमन श्रथन साँकड़ाना हंसीना
Other : बांधना Ex:  It is, by extension, some attached clothes to tighten, to gird tightly
Gird ki paribhasha : kisi soota, dori ya kapade ki si vastu ko doosari vastu ke chaaron or ghoomaakar baaandhana sab or se aabaddh karake mndl ya sima ke andar laana chhaati aur pedou ke bich ka sthaan rassi, taage, kapade aadi ki sahaayata se kisi padaarth ko bndhan men karana
Gird synonyms
brace secure buttress reinforce fortify ready ring encompass belt bolster prepare support enclose pen blockade steel enfold band girdle surround environ bind fasten cincture hem in make ready gibe quip taunt jeer ridicule scoff flout sneer poke deride jest scorn mock fun at
Gird antonyms
loosen injure let down weaken undermine release compliment praise let go unfasten untie hurt free neglect open flatter admire respect commend
Usage of Gird in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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