Give ground meaning in hindi
As verb : छोडकर भागना Ex:  Do not go give ground on this occasion, stand firm
ExamplesGive ground synonyms
balk renege backtrack take back cancel concede back out admit abandon pull out back off surrender give in accede acquiesce bow out chicken out cop out demur hold back recant recoil resign yield cave in pull back give up back pedal beg off go back on have no fight left wimp out withdraw from agreement or statement relinquish depart separate remove revoke ebb recede secede exit regress decamp repeal rescind draw back fall back get off hand over take off turn in rusticate absent oneself deny oneself get away give up work give way go away go to bed go to sleep hit the sack leave service make vacant run along seclude oneself sever connections stop working go to one's room reverse evacuate escape hide reel shrink quit avoid elude disengage fold sequester evade retrograde vacate quail back away beat it opt out turn tail retrocede go along with keep aloof keep apart lay down move back start back defer acknowledge withstand kowtow appease capitulate humor buckle abide stoop relent succumb obey indulge truckle tolerate bend give away knuckle under toe the line eat crow be submissive go with the flow grin and bear it lay down arms put up with resign oneself say uncle throw in the towel eliminate drop out blow abjure switch book detach extract bail out check out phase out draw away ease out exfiltrate get lost make oneself scarce take a hike take away take leave take out pension put out to pasture Give ground antonyms
permit uphold dispute dissent refuse reject allow fight advance go forward remain increase come in continue stay approve join arrive begin enter meet forge keep take on face contradict flatten deny protest straighten disallow disapprove veto disobey resist conceal dissuade hide leave disagree defend win stop persevere combine unite engage Usage of Give ground in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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