Given meaning in hindi
As noun : अपाकशाक Ex: Matters relating to security of the country are never given clearance.
आदी Ex: The trusteeship was given to the Board of directors. उ: इन दरारो से लावा आदी पदार्थ निकलने पर लघु या आश्रित शंकु बनते है। इसपेशल Ex: The answer youve given is incorrect. कटुकंद Ex: He is given to drinking alcohol. कटुभद्र Ex: His salary was given to him without deduction of loan. कल्हरा Ex: I have given my mixer in the workshop. खुसूसी Ex: Rolled oats are given to cattles. तकातक Ex: He was given a nudge. दूरपात Ex: She was given 6 years for sabbatical in Italy. देखते हुए Ex: Current topics are given in the editorials. नकशमार Ex: Slop is given every day to pigs. नवग्रह Ex: After 5 years in prison-he was given his freedom. नवज्वर Ex: It is believed that Damien never wore the medal given to him. निर्धारित Ex: Among other changes, the film was given an all-a-dream ending. उ: निर्धारित दिनचर्या, जैसे समय पर खाना, सोना आदि। पनकौवा Ex: The dates given are of first known performance. पाणिग्रहण Ex: The city was given Latin rights by Vespasian. पादशोथ Ex: Byron had two last names but only one at any given time. पावरहौस Ex: Once the go-ahead had been given पिंडखजुर Ex: Venice was also given to the Kingdom of Italy. पितृतर्पण Ex: This is given the name "color" पिष्टपेषणन्याय Ex: Lee's Cantonese given name was Jun Fan . पीलो Ex: Mandarin Pinyin: Lǐ Xuànjīn given to him by his mother पूर्वानुमान Ex: He was given the name Gaius Octavius. उ: यह मौसम के पूर्वानुमान और जलवायु विज्ञान का आधार है। पेँहटुल Ex: At Aberdeen, Woodruff was given better laboratory access. पेन्स Ex: The peasants were given some rights. प्याजो Ex: Credit for popularising the term may be given to Arnold Toynbee प्रक्लिन्नवर्त्म Ex: The gifts given to numerous visiting dignitaries depends upon the President. प्रगुण्य Ex: When Anthony died, Douglass was given to Lucretia Auld, wife of Thomas Auld. प्रासुक Ex: Coonskin was given limited distribution, advertised as a blaxploitation film. फललक्षणा Ex: Awards are given for the greatest increases in membership बलापंचक Ex: "Final Six", which was given a Grammy Award for "Best Metal Performance". बिछुआपु Ex: Because of the defeat given to the British forces बिडालपद, बिडालपदक Ex: Founded in 1819 and given the name of Leal Villa de Santiago de Managua महीजा Ex: No details were given of what subjects discussed. यवक्षार Ex: As given in , David had sons by various wives and concubines योगदर्शन Ex: BCG is given to all children under the age of three. योगनंद Ex: Assurance has been given by both operators and authorities योगमाया Ex: Virginia was given the title योगसमाधि Ex: Bilateral Aid is given by the government of one country directly to another. योगसूत्र Ex: Uther is given a new family रक्तचंदन Ex: Although Arthur is given sons in both early and late Arthurian tales रक्तप्रदर Ex: It is often stated that Jayne was given the title "The Poor Man's Monroe" रखौंड़ी Ex: Athena was given many other cult titles. रथमहोत्सव Ex: As Athena Hippeia she was given an alternative parentage: Poseidon and Polyphe रमणाक Ex: 28,000 were given to his various brothers and his sons. रविकांतमणी Ex: Meyer usually invents the best lines in a given episode रविसंक्राति Ex: It was given professional training रसतन्मात्रा Ex: His kunya is given as either or . रसधातु Ex: Toomer writes:Another epithet given to him by al-Ṭabarī राजपलांड़ु Ex: This epithet was given to Apollo in parts of Gaul, North Italy and Noricum . राजविद्रोह Ex: Hatshepsut was given reign about twenty-two years by ancient authors. राजस्थली Ex: The terminology is generally given as ". रादजक्ष्मा Ex: He suggested that the part of Thames at London was given this name रामटेक Ex: In 1997 he was given an honorary British knighthood. रामबान Ex: Every game of golf is based on playing a number of holes in a given order. राशिभोग Ex: As can be seen in the tables given here राष्ट्रकूट Ex: Prussia never had more than 320,000 men under arms at any given time उ: गंग और राष्ट्रकूट राजवंशों के आश्रय से जैन धर्म उन्नत हुआ। राहुच्छत्र Ex: Elizabeth McDuffie, be given the part. लघुदती Ex: Pynchon also reportedly attended lectures given by Vladimir Nabokov लबाचा Ex: Cash was reportedly given the name "J. R". लाल हलायची Ex: Shevchenko was given a Silver Medal for a landscape. लालकीन Ex: In a report given to potential investors लालमुनी Ex: Even given this uncertainty लोमशमार्जार Ex: The ACT was given its first federal representation in 1949 वंशपुष्पा Ex: This includes: The meanings given are of the letter names in Phoenician. वरशीत Ex: As any given Internet service reaches more people वसंतकुसुम Ex: After many doctors had given up and accused Anna O. of faking her symptoms वस्तूत्प्रेक्षा Ex: Joshua Nkomo, was given a series of cabinet positions in Mugabe's government. वाइकौंट Ex: Enlisted soldiers are given basic training at JDF Training Depot वातकुंडली Ex: Douglas and Lockheed were given additional study contracts for the airframe विज्ञानकोश Ex: "; on being given the motets' parts विदला Ex: USD $929 million were given by the international community to the PNA in 2001 विनिर्मित Ex: Instruction is given based on these readings, called a sermon, or homily. विपाट् Ex: Vith was given up on 21 December विपाशा Ex: Pyroeis was given to Ares विलायती अनन्नास Ex: He was given the title 'Knight of the Bath ' for his victory at Detroit विशेष Ex: In France both knights and ladies were given to dicing. उ: इस क्षेत्र में मर्केटर का नाम विशेष उल्लेखनीय है। विशेस ‡ Ex: The council was given progressively more authority. विश्वरथ Ex: Having given birth to opera विषविधि Ex: These languages have given way to regional varieties of Italian. विष्णुगुप्त Ex: Muhammad had given orders for the Muslims to attack with their ranged weapons विसर्पिणी Ex: The military officers were given flowers or asked for photographing. विसेस Ex: 1977, Princess Sirindhorn was given the title, "Sayam Boromrajakumari" . वृंहणवस्ति Ex: Those who were to serve the Emperor were given military training वेदांतसूत्र Ex: The Emperor was first given the priests व्यवच्छिन्न Ex: The test subjects were not informed that they were being given LSD व्याघ्राट Ex: Timothy Leary claimed to have given psychedelic drugs to over 200 subjects शंकव Ex: Squall was given a gunblade शंखपाल Ex: This means that in any given year शंतनुसुत Ex: The government has already given the go-ahead for construction शंभुमनु Ex: MSIE imposes a 4k total for all cookies stored in a given domain. शंसित Ex: In 1806 Magdeburg was given to Napoleon शणघंटा, शणघंटिका Ex: Aspirin can be given quickly शततारका, शततारा Ex: Glyceryl trinitrate sublingually can be given if available. शफतालु Ex: Another 90 soldiers were also given awards शब्दपाती Ex: "Our Jews have given the Soviet Arabs a drumming! शब्दप्रमाण Ex: Numerous titles are given to Jesus in the Qur'an शरहमुअय्यन, शरहमुऐयन Ex: Specific information on these subfields is given below. शाक्तमत Ex: Mozilla Firefox had been given a number of awards by various organizations. शातवाहन Ex: In 1957 Zappa was given his first guitar. शार्ङ्ग Ex: Cape Horn island was originally given the Dutch name "Kaap Hoorn" शिंगरफ Ex: He was given the nickname "Al-Amin" शिलादित्य Ex: Indian Railways have accepted the fact that given the size of operations शीर्णांघ्रि Ex: The original publication dates for the groups of cantos are as given below. शुष्कव्रण Ex: In an interview given in 1962 शोण Ex: President Aleksander Kwaśniewski revoked the Cross given to Ivan Serov श्येनघंटा Ex: President Lech Kaczyński revoked the Cross given to Wincenty Romanowski श्राणा Ex: According to the online introduction given by Scott Altman श्रृंगवेरक Ex: These cities were given constitutions based on the Roman model षट्रस Ex: Allied foreign cities were often given the Latin Right षड्ग्रंथ Ex: Under presidential Reconstruction Freedmen were given limited rights. षष्टिलता Ex: Several more examples of phases will be given in the following section. षाड्गुण्य Ex: Any profits from such a book would be given to charity. षोड़शपूजन Ex: Bastiat said that James had given William over that year "the power सँधव Ex: The European Union classification of ammonia solutions is given in the table. संगसुरमा Ex: Seine-Saint-Denis and Val-de-Marne were created and given the numbers 92 संदेपन Ex: This is also the title given to Eve संसत्, संसद् Ex: The only family exclusively given the common name "toad" is Bufonidae सजीवनबूटी Ex: Similar accounts are given in the Origo Constantini सजीवनसूर, सजीवनमूल Ex: These funds were given to the favored Christian clergy. सत्वगुण Ex: Legislative power was given to the Band Assembly . सनट्टा Ex: Southfork was taken out of his control and given to Bobby by Miss Ellie सभिप्राय Ex: Clayton had given J.R. voting rights at Weststar समासवान् Ex: The name initially given to the new volcano was Kirkjufell सलिलक्रिया Ex: Ballard and Wilson were periodically given solos on Supremes albums सशाक Ex: The name given to each day is known as a date. सहजशत्रु Ex: He claimed that if supplies were not given सांधग Ex: Ironic given the role he played in Lumumba's ousting सात्मीकृत Ex: Despite the promises of Ukrainian autonomy given by the treaty of Pereyaslav सालवाहन Ex: Some of these are given below. सालौगुग्गुल Ex: Dupee had not been given access to the James family papers साष्टांग योग Ex: Delivery is given priority over second-class सिंजालपारी Ex: Foreign generals are also often given honorary appointments to the Order सिंहलद्वीप Ex: 1856. Further hints at Fandorin's ancestry are given in another novel सिरीराग Ex: Iraq was given formal independence in 1932 सींका Ex: This explanation agrees with the meaning of the name given in Exodus 3:14 सीमोल्लंघन Ex: He was the first American to be given this honor. सुखंकरी Ex: Only three Panzer divisions were given to Rommel सुखालुका Ex: Higher level education is given in eight universities and four polytechnics. सुगुप्ता Ex: Since Vaikundar is given birth सुतजीवक Ex: Instead, they were given supplies for the voyage back to Portugal. सुतर्कारी Ex: Evita was given the official title of "Spiritual Leader of the Nation". सुतश्रेणी Ex: In 1969 the files were given to the International Red Cross Tracing Bureau. सुतैला Ex: 1970. One of the ratings chemicals are given is carcinogenicity. सुत्रधार Ex: Primary chemotherapy is also given in metastatic non-small cell lung carcinoma. सुधामोदक Ex: Radiotherapy is often given together with chemotherapy सुनिर्यासा Ex: The United States has given its support for the pipelines. सुरभिदारुक Ex: Marx observed that within any given society the mode of production changes सुरभिपत्रा Ex: The land area is given in km², and the density in inhabitants per km² . सूत्रपिटक Ex: The rebellion was given new life by the efforts of Victoriano Ramírez सूनादोष Ex: Many reasons for this have been given सूर्यसंक्रमण Ex: , , and often occur with back vowels: some examples are given below. सूर्यसंक्रांति Ex: That same year, he was also given his own miniseries titled Shazam! सोडहमस्मि Ex: If Pluto had been given a minor planet name upon its discovery सोमरस Ex: No official estimate was given by the Polícia Militar. सोरसती ‡ Ex: Milton Obote was given a state funeral सौरसेनी Ex: Public lectures have been given in rented rooms at Universities स्थगर Ex: The official statistic is 20 million deaths, as given by Hu Yaobang. स्थलपद्म Ex: In one case, volunteers were given LSD for 77 consecutive days. स्मृतिशास्त्र Ex: A given market might be for a product स्वरसप्तक Ex: Hansen's version of Swan Lake was given only four times स्वरहा Ex: The ballet was given during two concerts which were conducted by Tchaikovsky. स्वर्णपुष्पा Ex: Berger's production was only given eight performances स्वर्णभूमिका Ex: The Jussi Award was given to Olivier for Best Foreign Actor. स्वर्णमाक्षिक Ex: On August 16, Kennedy had given the order for them to be reinforced. स्वर्णली Ex: Uthman was given Eudes's daughter Lampade in marriage स्वर्णालु Ex: In 1617, the Company was given trade rights by Jahangir the Mughal Emperor. स्वल्पव्यक्ति तंत्र Ex: Its episcopal list is given in Gams, "Series episc. स्वामिकार्तिक Ex: Some characters were given simplified forms called Shinjitai 新字体 . हजारदास्ताँ Ex: The word is given a number of meanings in the Qur'an. हड़गीला Ex: But given how different our needs and aspirations often are हरिनहर्रा Ex: Gordon was eventually given the mission हरिनाकुस ‡ Ex: Amsterdam was given city rights in 1300 or 1301. From the 14th century on हरिपर्ण Ex: For any given species हरीछाल केला Ex: It has been given annually since 1988 by the Ministry of Culture and Sports. हस्तजोड़ी Ex: According to the popular account given by Plutarch हस्तज्योडी Ex: This quote is often given in Latin as "Noli turbare circulos meos" हस्तिकरंज Ex: The element or is 7. In terms of the mathematical definition given above हस्तिपर्णी Ex: In modern times, it may be given on an event such as a graduation from college. हस्तिशुंडी Ex: The reasons most frequently given for her standing हिंगुनाडिका Ex: Sprague had given the order "small boys attack" हिंदु Ex: William may have been given the daughter of Óengus in marriage हिजली बदाम Ex: Henry would be given first consideration. हिमज्वर Ex: Aborigines are seldom given management positions. हुलक्का Ex: These antibiotics are usually given intravenously. हेत्वपह्नुति Ex: Though the Hitler Putsch had given Hitler some national prominence होलनाल Ex: The neologism “Holodomor” is given in the modern
As adjective : दिया गया Ex: A farewell was given to the out-going students.
Other : किया हुआ Ex: The book was given to him by Ram. दत्त Ex: Various terminologies are given in Yaskas Nirukta. उ: दत्त ने १९८७ में ऋचा शर्मा के साथ विवाह किया। नियत Ex: That's the insight given by the compulsory misses. उ: इसके तहत आबादी का बायोमीट्रिक डाटाबेस तैयार किया जाना नियत किया गया।
Given ki paribhasha : jainiyon ke nau vaasudevon men se ek vah jo saadhaaran ke atirikt aur usase adhik ho
ExamplesGiven synonyms
obsessed inclined disposed accustomed addicted habituated apt liable prone inured Given antonyms
unaccustomed Usage of Given in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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