Glad meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Glad
As noun : अघोर Ex:  He was glad to be mobile again.
अनकाम Ex:  shivam must be wearing his glad rags on the first day of the college. अभिकांक्षी Ex:  I am glad that you have passed the exams. आनंदित Ex:  I'll be glad when I have my head above water . उ:   जिस प्रकार हिंदू रामायण में लंका विजय की कहानी पढ़कर आनंदित होते हैं। आरजूमंद Ex:  I hate to go to a party and get the glad hand . इच्छुक Ex:  I'm glad they joined in . उ:   इच्छुक मत्स्य पालक इनके द्वारा मत्स्य बीज प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। इष्म Ex:  I'm glad you keep the exterior of your house up . उत्पुलक Ex:  I'm glad you're giving it a try . उपारत Ex:  I'm glad he put a bee in my bonnet . काति Ex:  I'm very glad you've come to work here . खुश Ex:  Of course I am glad to help . उ:   सभी उसे देख कर बहुत खुश हैं। खुसी Ex:  I switched back and was glad I did . गविष्ठि Ex:  Good-bye, glad you could come . गृध्नु Ex:  I will be glad to be finished with this project . ग्लेडियोलस Ex:  I'd be glad to read him". डहडहा Ex:  It was at this time the Queen famously declared: "I'm glad we have been bombed. तमत Ex:  "Phew, I'm glad that's over. तिशनालन Ex:  Absolutely, Here is a air glad तृषु Ex:  BETTER AS, adverbial locution which is used to mark that something is beneficial, that is glad पुरश्छंद Ex:  I am glad that someone warn in my favor before I talk to him पुल्कित Ex:  I am glad the last point प्रफुलित Ex:  I am very glad you managed प्रमुद Ex:  I saw a man glad you प्रहृष्टात्मा Ex:  I'm happy, yes, very glad I did this for him प्रह् लादित Ex:  It would be very glad to enjoy a moment of your company प्रह्ल Ex:  Make a sad meal, Make a meal where one does glad Point प्रह्लन्न Ex:  There will be glad when you see बांछी Ex:  , A hare will always die at the lodge, Having traveled a lot, we are very glad to return home मनोज्ञ मनोहर उ:   पेशे से सिविल इंजिनीयर मनोहर इस नए घर में आकर बहुत खुश है। मनोह्लादो महजूज महजूज माक्षी मुक्त उ:   उसी दिन, हालांकि, वह मुक्त हो जाता है। मुदित उ:   मुदित मरिचि बोले मुसकाई। मुदित उ:   मुदित मरिचि बोले मुसकाई। मुबर्रा मोदित लुबुधा वंछिक विकुर्वाणा शादमान श्रंथित सतृष समोद सारँग, सारँग सुखपर सुहाया सुहावना उ:   और फिर उनको दिखाई दे जाता एक सुहावना पर्वत। सोच्छ्वास सोत्सव सोहाइन ‡ सौँहना हर्षगर्भ हर्षभाक् हर्षान्वित हर्षाविष्ट हलाक हृष्टसंकल्प हेर्षी हेर्षी ह्लन्न ह्लन्न ह्लादित
As adjective : अखिन्न Ex:  I am so glad to see you in my house.
I have not enjoyed so much in tour.
अखेद Ex:  i'm glad to meet you . अभिनंद Ex:  So glad you could come . आत्तमना Ex:  I'm glad they got off so well . आह्लादी Ex:  I'm so glad you could come . उत्पुलक Ex:  I'm glad you're giving it a try . उद्धर Ex:  I'm glad that's over and done with . उपारत Ex:  I'm glad he put a bee in my bonnet . उल्लाघ Ex:  I'm glad to see you here safe and sound . कंतु Ex:  I'm glad we see eye to eye about Todd with Mary . खुर्शद Ex:  I'm glad it soaked in . खुशनूद Ex:  She was very glad that I stopped in . खुसी Ex:  I switched back and was glad I did . डहडहा Ex:  It was at this time the Queen famously declared: "I'm glad we have been bombed. थाँटा Ex:  He wanted to see me, but I was very glad to prevent the नमस Ex:  How glad I am that new! We are very glad निर्वृत Ex:  How glad I am to have met you प्रसंन Ex:  I stand glad I could serve you something प्रसन्न Ex:  I'm glad to see you उ:   जिससे माताजी प्रसन्न होती हैं। प्रसादस्थ Ex:  I'm glad your successes प्रह्ल Ex:  Make a sad meal, Make a meal where one does glad Point प्रह्लन्न Ex:  There will be glad when you see फरहर ‡ Ex:  ! I am glad to see you healthy फल्लित Ex:  , A hare will always die at the lodge, After much traveled, we are very glad to return home महजूज मुदित उ:   मुदित मरिचि बोले मुसकाई। मुलकित मोदित वरप्रद विकुर्वाणा विनोदित विवद्धिंत शंयु शादमान शिगुफ्ता शिवगति श्रंथित संप्रीत संप्रीतिमत् सभाजित समोद सम्मदी सरभस सुखपर सुखभाक्, सुखभाग् सुखभुक् सुखारीपु सुममस्क सोच्छ्वास सोत्सव हर्षगर्भ हर्षभाक् हर्षान्वित हर्षाविष्ट हर्षित हृष्टसंकल्प हेर्षी ह्लन्न
Other : आनन्दित Ex:  I'm glad we have agreed on a price . मग्न Ex:  , delighted to be something, in experiencing great pleasure in be glad हृष्ट
Glad ki paribhasha : puraanaanusaar ek praachin RRishi ka naam ek snkar rog ka naam jo gauri, maarava aur trivan ke milane se bana hai
Glad synonyms
overjoyed contented pleased cheerful willing joyful cheering pleasing sparkling gay rejoicing animated beaming beautiful blithesome bright cheery exhilarated felicitous genial gleeful gratified gratifying hilarious jocund jovial joyous lighthearted merry mirthful pleasant radiant tickled tickled pink floating on air pleased as punch tickled to death up can't complain
Glad antonyms
upset sad unhappy dull
Usage of Glad in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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