Glamour meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Glamour
As noun : चकाचौंध या आकर्षण Ex:  He began taking photographs of her that downplayed her glamour
जलवा Ex:  In direct contrast to the glamour of the city ठाटबाट Ex:  Hepburn continued the glamour the cigarette holder तड़क भड़क तड़प झड़प तमतडा़क दीप्‍ति मोहकता लावण्य शानशौंकत
Other : शोभा उ:   आज भी इस मंदिर की शोभा देखते ही बनती है।
Glamour ki paribhasha : .... krapa thappad aadi maarane ya koi chij patakane se utpann honevaala shabd kuchh ka kuchh samajh lenevaali buddhi
Glamour synonyms
beauty color charisma allure charm prestige enchantment allurement fascination romance attraction magnetism interest appeal animal magnetism razzle-dazzle bewitchment ravishment star quality
Glamour antonyms
boredom repulsion disinterest drab dullness plainness ugliness
Usage of Glamour in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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